17 [TW]

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Trigger warning near the end. Please skip if you are not comfortable.


Karina was hurrying down the familiar mapped hallways she had memorized. She had to tell Minjeong about this. She didn't want to terrify the poor brunette, but she had the right to know for the burning suspicions of Jaehyun.

Phone clutched in hand, Karina ran down the maze before coming upon the accustomed hallway that clearly stated 'Employees Only' on a little sign beside the frame. Karina ran past it, not giving single care for it and slowed her pace down the hallway, glancing at every door number before coming across '001'.

The raven shoved herself into the room without caution but immediate silence brimmed her ears as not a single soul was visible inside the dormitory.

"Shit. Shit. Shit!" The 00' liner clutched her head. The exasperation factor bursting off the intangible charts.

Karina trespassed even further by poking her head inside of the rooms. She wasn't going to lie when she expected some WW2 bunker like rooms but she was proven wrong from the fine and tidy area.

The searching girl peered into the washroom and kitchen area, letting out a loud groan of frustration.

Where the hell was Minjeong?

Karina walked over to the living space and immediately a bright piece of paper called for her from the table. She picked it up, hope brought up from reading the word 'schedule'. Her sharp vision scanned down the junk of words until they stopped on Minjeong's name. Room service.

Karina clicked her tongue. Room service. That could be anywhere on this gigantic ship. The thought of Minjeong entering other guest's rooms also did not please the cat looking girl. Karina reread the paper and noticed the little 'A' underneath the station that she had not noticed before. Class A. Her area. Heart skipping a beat, she snapped a photo with her phone that held the terrifying contents and ran out of the room, faster than she had came.

She made her way back to her suite area.
Looking back and forth between the identical doors for any openings that referred to Minjeong's presence but no evidence showed.

Karina didn't give up. She proceeded her longing distance while staring at the flashlight photos on her phone. Minjeong spooning her under the sheets and blankets. It would've made her blush but the fact that someone had broken into her room at night while they were asleep, stole her money and took the few photos with her own phone terrified her near to death. She knew she locked the main door. She checked it multiple times. She knew she locked the bedroom door. She almost checked it for reassurance. Both didn't seem faulty or broken anywhere. The room service obviously did not wander about at such a late time. Speaking of room service, Karina bit her lip and looked up from her phone luckily right on time as she was about to run into a cart.

A cart.

The tall girl's eyes opened while her feet turned her around the open door, revealing the room and faint sounds of movement inside. Karina waited for a few moments outside but it seemed like the cleaner had only just gotten there, so with her lost patience, she barged in.

"Excuse me."

Th cleaning girl whipped around in surprise and Karina immediately recognized her as Seeun, the waitress she had in replacement of Minjeong a little while ago.

"Miss Yu?" Seeun asked with a half folded blanket in hand,

"Seeun, correct?" Karina wandered closer with eagerness.

"Yes. Is something wr-"

"Have you seen Minjeong? Do you know where she is?"

Seeun hummed and nodded, "She was supposed to be on service duty with me but she got pulled aside by the captain and never returned."

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