Episode 30: Whip Up Morale

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    Takemichi met up with Katsume and I on the night of our plan. Both of us had a white sash tied around us, all except for Takemichi. Chifuyu walked up to us, holding an extra sash in his hands.

    "Takemichi," he shouted, bowing. The three of us turned to face him.

"Tokyo Manji Gang first division vice-captain, Chifuyu Matsuno! Born in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo, in 1991!" Chifuyu continued. "I lived an unrepentant life of hating and hurting others. The person who changed that was a man named Keisuke Baji."

Chifuyu held his arm out to Takemichi, offering him the sash.

"He was a great man, who stuck to his principles, through thick and thin. This sash is the sash of Keisuke Baji, and now I entrust it to you!"

Takemichi nodded in agreement, allowing Chifuyu to properly secure the sash to his torso.

"I accept this great honor, thank you!" Takemichi beamed, putting his arms behind his back. "First division captain, Takemichi Hanagaki, having accepted this sash, I will live true to my principles, and so I swear!"

We smiled at the blonde.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Chifuyu smiled.

Now it was time to meet up with the two people I hate the most. I did call Mitsuya last minute, but there was no guarantee that he would show up. We have no one else to back us up this time. Not Draken, not any of the other captains, not even Mikey. The only people that I trust here are Takemichi, Chifuyu, and Katsume. Who knows what sadistic plan is going through Kisaki and Hanma's brains now. Without a word, we headed towards the chapel, to stop Hakkai.

    Stopping in front of the steps, we gazed at the large building.

    "So, this is the place," Takemichi muttered.

    "Everybody clear on the plan?" Kisaki asked one last time.

    "Yeah," Takemichi turned to face the boy with glasses. "I'll go and find Hakkai; convince him not to kill Taiju. Meanwhile you guys attack Taiju out here when he shows up."

    "Takemichi," Chifuyu walked up behind the blonde, hitting his back. "Taking down Taiju is important for sure."

    "Just remember our future won't change at all, unless you change Hakkai's mind," Katsume added.

    Takemichi nodded, determined to stop his blue-haired friend.

    "You got this, we're all counting on you," I smiled, holding out my fist.

    While I'm out here with these guys, I've gotta make sure that I keep an eye on Kisaki and Hanma, as well as Taiju. For all I know, Kisaki could've manipulated Hakkai into doing this, just like he manipulated Mikey to make him a captain.

    "Right, leave it all to me!"

    The blonde walked up the steps and into the church, disappearing from our sight. My eyes continuously scanned the area for Taiju. It didn't take long for me to spot an object hiding in the shadows on the side of the church.

    "Hey, I think I see something over there," I announced, walking towards it. "I'm gonna go check it out, it might be a Black Dragon member."

    "Yeah, you go do that," Kisaki waved me off.

    I got closer and closer to the dark object, realizing that it wasn't a person, it was a bag. I kneeled on the snow, to get a closer inspection. Duct tape? Is someone planning a kidnapping? Before I even knew it, Kisaki was behind me, about to land a kick to my skull. My consciousness faded after the thud, though before I was completely knocked out, I saw my friends, who were already beaten down by Hanma. We were idiots for trusting these two.

    I woke up to muffled yelling beside me in a room that looked like a library. So, we all got captured. All of us were conscious now, bound to a railing behind us. How the hell did I let this bastard take me out! I noticed that the duct tape that I found was the one that was binding me now.

    "Little suckers can really fight, huh?" Hanma smirked, his face bruised from Katsume and Chifuyu's defense. "You oughta stay out of fights that are rigged."

    I tried to yell something along the lines of 'you won't get away with this,' but my voice was muffled by the duct tape. I did have a pocketknife on me, but with my hands bound, I couldn't reach it.

    Kiskai left without even saying a word, with Hanma following. I knew that things would go wrong somewhere, but not this early. Takemichi is gonna get crushed by Taiju. If only I told Mikey, maybe then would our plan go right. What made me think that we actually had a chance of changing the future.

    I heard a door open, assuming that Kiskai or Hanma left something.

    "You three really are dumbasses," Mitsuya sighed, pulling out his pocketknife.

    "How did you find out?" Chifuyu asked, once he took the duct tape off of his mouth.

    "(Y/n) called me earlier," he answered.

    "Wait, she did?" Katsume asked.

    "Kisaki," I frowned, as Mitsuya finished cutting all of us free. "I knew something would go wrong, so I'd rather be safe than sorry."

    "We need to stop them," Chifuyu stood up.

    Remembering Kisaki's punch, I felt the back of my head. I felt a warm liquid leaking from where he punched me. Retracting my hand, I saw that it was covered in blood.

    "What happened here?" Mitsuya gasped, once he saw my hand.

    "Basically, we formed a small group to stop Hakkai," I began to explain. "We kept it to just Katsume, Chifuyu, Takemichi, Hanma, Kisaki, and I, since we didn't want anyone to find out about this. Hanma and Kisaki managed to pull one over on us, and now we're here. Takemichi went inside to talk to Hakkai, but Taiju's probably there now too. I'm sorry for going against your truce, but we didn't have a choice."

    "Don't worry about it," Mitsuya smiled, patting my head. "You four are trying to do the right thing."

    Mitsuya grabbed my hand, helping me up. Katsume, Chifuyu, and I stood, still as statues, in shock. I thought he'd be pissed.

"I didn't call anyone else, so it's just us."

I know that Mikey will find out one way or another now. I'm certain that Mikey's gonna be pissed at me, since I twisted the truth about where I was going to be tonight.

"Come on now, we have to save Takemichi."

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