Episode 14: Break Up

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Our group sped on the streets to our meeting place. This time, I was on the back of Mitsuya's bike, since Mikey was driving Takemichi. We walked through the path of men in black, as they greeted Mikey with a "good evening, sir." Mikey, Draken, and I made our way to the front, turning to face the crowd. I looked to the area where the first division captain and vice captains usually are. Where the hell is Katsume, she would never miss a meeting without telling me? Baji's gone too.

"We're here to officially name the new captain of the third division!" Draken announced.

The crowd of Toman members murmured among themselves. Mikey never told me who the new captain would be, but my best guess would be Takemichi. He's been hanging around us for quite some time and Mikey seems to really like him.

"Third division captain!" Mikey started. "Step forward!"

No one came up. Huh, it's not Takemichi. I guess the new captain didn't bother to show up. My thoughts were soon interrupted by a short guy with a blonde updo and sunglasses accompanied by a large guy with black hair. Who the hell are these guys? Takemichi seemed to recognize the blonde guy as he made his way towards the front. He took his place on the stair below Mikey, to his right. He sat, turning his back on him. The crowd muttered again, not fans of the newbie who just jumped to the rank of captain. What in the hell made Mikey think that this would be a good idea? The members continued to shout at the man with glasses for his disrespect of our commander.

"Alright, listen up you grunts," the man with the black hair growled. "Toman's new captain of the third division is sitting here right behind me. Tetta Kisaki!"

I'm not really the type to judge people before I meet them, but for some reason this Kisaki guy is making my stomach churn. I looked in front of me to see Takemichi with a horrified expression on his face. Maybe there's something about Kisaki that no one knows but him. I guess I'll have to ask him later.

"I've seen this guy before!" a random member spoke out. "He's from Moebius, isn't he?"

"Wait, he's from Moebius?"

Mikey has definitely lost his marbles if he thinks that Kisaki can just become a captain. It's one thing to force another gang's members to join after losing a fight, but it's a completely different story if they were given partial control over us. More insults were thrown at Kisaki telling him to get lost. A 'piss off' chant was also started. I wanted to join them, but it would probably be best to wait for Mikey's explanation before I make an enemy of this guy.

"Shut up!" Draken yelled, obviously annoyed. "That's Mikey's decision! Anyone who doesn't like it, step forward!"

It took everything for me not to step forward. I usually don't question Mikey's decisions in Toman, but something was telling me that Kisaki was bad news. I'll just wait until I can talk to Mikey alone. Maybe then I can understand. Mikey stood in front of the angry crowd.

"We gotta be ready to take on Valhalla!" he started. "This new Valhalla we're facing is so huge that Moebius is nothing next to them. To beat them, Toman will need to grow too. Tetta Kisaki here did a good job of keeping our generation in check while he was with Moebius. We'll need him on our side to fight Valhalla. So Kisaki is now the new captain, remember that. This appointment ceremony is over."

I know for sure that if Katsume was here, then she would agree with this man's vibe. I would not be surprised if he turned out to be a murderer in the future. Mikey turned and walked away in silence.

"Commander," Kisaki bowed. "Thank you, sir!"

"Right," Mikey expressed, walking away.

"What could Mikey be thinking," Draken whispered to himself. "He out of his mind?"

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