Episode 19: Turn Around

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As the fight began, my eyes continued to search for Katsume. Shit, I saw her 5 seconds ago! While we were all standing together, I saw her being held by Toman's latest traitor, Baji. I punched and kicked my way over to where I last saw them.

"Get out of my way!" I growled, flipping over the person who came at me from behind.

It was like I was reliving the fight in the parking lot, except with more people this time. The next person came running at me with his fist; he looked like he was about to hit me with a right hook. I ducked, grabbing his arm and taking his legs out with a low kick. He fell to the ground as I advanced. Katsume, where the hell are you? After knocking out a few more Valhalla members, I saw her lying against an old blue car.


I ran up to the girl, kneeling down to her level.

"Are you alive?" I shouted while shaking her shoulders.

"Shut up," she grumbled. "My head's killing me."

"You're alive!" I smiled, hugging her. "I'm sorry, I wish I could've done something sooner."

"Well, I'm still breathing," she chuckled, hugging back.

"You know, I should probably give you this."

I took off my jacket, giving it to her to cover up. I always wore a tank top underneath my uniform, since the material was heavy. She put it on, buttoning it up. I stood up, ready to defend her from the Valhalla members that were in the surrounding area. I charged at the two guys in white jackets that were closest to me. These weaklings only went down after a few punches. How pathetic. I looked around to see the other Toman members being mercilessly beaten. The captains plus a few others seemed like the only people who were making any progress. It's 150 Toman members versus 300 Valhalla members. Our odds definitely aren't good. I roundhouse kicked the next guy onto the ground when a big group of the men in white stopped.

"Ahhhh!" Takemichi roared, circling his arms through the crowd.

This guy looks like an idiot. Well at least his 'war cry' helped me locate Draken. I threw Katsume's arm around my shoulder, leading her into a better hiding spot, near where Toman entered. I made my way back over to the tall man with the dragon tattoo, to join their fight. Our members seem more enthusiastic than they did a minute ago. A bunch of Valhalla guys were standing like deer in headlights. I took that as an opportunity to knock as many down as I could. Draken and Hanma were now in a 1v1 fight. He punched Hanma, who flew straight into a wall. He seems perfectly fine over here, might as well go check on Mikey. Sure, I wasn't really friends with Kazutora anymore, but I'd rather not have the two boys kill each other today. Mikey was currently up against Kazutora and a few of his goons. One tried to kick him, which caused the blonde to lose his jacket. Other Valhalla members were trying to get up too, so I stayed at the bottom fending them off, along with those who joined me. I was trying to focus on my own fights, kneeing people in their stomachs, kicking them where it hurts, until I saw a glimmer out of the corner of my eye. Kazutora has a steel pipe!

"Mikey! Watch out!" I shouted, but it was too late.

Kazutora swung at him, hitting his head and knocking him to the ground. The pipe he used was covered in blood. Everyone and everything went silent after the initial thud.

"Mikey!" Draken cried out.

I gritted my teeth as I attempted to get to him.

"You bastards!" I screamed.

I didn't even make it to the first car, when a pair of strong arms grabbed me from behind, throwing me to the side.

"Don't worry little lady," the man smirked. "I'll make sure you join your commander in hell!"

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