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。.✦ ☾

It had been weeks since Anna saw Remus, he was always so evasive, first one out the door as soon as she entered it. She tried to talk to him but he couldn't meet her gaze.

Sirius tried to help but it seems that he was also being avoided. The two didn't know what to do.

James couldn't do much, he didn't understand what was going on and every time he broached the question, Remus was out of his seat.

Sirius approaches Anna, watching the blonde bite her nails. She looked off, especially squirrelly. "Hey Anna what's going on?" Sirius asks, watching as she jumped at the sound of his voice.

Anna whirls around and she meets his dark eyes. "It-it's nothing, thanks for worrying." She mumbles, her eyes trailing up to Vanity, the witch stood with her group of friends but her eyes were on Anna.

Everything about her screamed danger, her gaze was steel and unwavering as she watched the Grindelwald. Anna was afraid to look away.

Sirius places a hand on Anna's shoulder, causing her to jump, her eyes wide and terrified. Sirius's own eyes widen, confused and worried. "Sorry." She whispers, pulling away and walking back towards her dorms.


Hogwarts. The middle of fifth year. 34 years ago.

Tom steps through the corridors of Hogwarts, his robes moving along his body, his wand in his grasp and a note in the other. Toms eyes were wide and dark, searching for something.

Finally he stops in front the prefects baths, swallowing harshly before pressing a hand against the door. It didn't budge. Someone locked it from the inside.

Tom brings his head closer to the door, listening. His ears pick up on small sniffles.

The dark wizard steps back and he waves his wand at the lock. He hears the telltale sign of the lock clicking and he grabs the handle, slowly and quietly opening the door.

The sobs get louder as he enters the baths.

The room were a mess, broken sinks with flowing faucets. The mirrors were completely destroyed with glass covering the floor. Blood littered the ground, trailing towards a singular stall.

The sight itself can churn any wizards stomach.

Magic cracked the walls, filling the air with a dark and ominous feel.

Slowly, Tom approaches the stall, pressing a hand on the blood covered door. Slowly it creaks open, the hinges shrieking harshly at their miss use.

The sight before him knocked the breath out of his chest.



Ahhh yes a cliffhanger.

The Girl In The Mirror • (Remus L., Sirius B.) • Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now