Old Life

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Winter has stayed in the hospital for about two days now but she hasn't seen Karina ever since the first day she had gotten there. She was starting to feel like Karina didn't worry about her and didn't care for her anymore. Although Karina didn't come to visit her often Yizhuo still did and some times Aeri did as well. She felt grateful for them visiting her as much as they could.

She also was warming up to the doctor that came in often to check up on her. She found out that the doctors name was Ryujin, Shin Ryujin. The doctors weren't supposed to give out their full names to their patients but Ryujin seemed interested in the girl so she did not mind Winter calling her by her real name.

Winter was standing and looking outside of the window as she stared at the grass, seeing all the other patients on the side walks or the kid patients playing happily while the doctors watch them.

There was a knock on the door and then Winter heard the door slide open.

"Minjeong?" Winter then smiled and turned her head to see Ryujin standing while holding a tray that had porridge in a bowl and another bowl of rice next to it.

Winter then turned her full body to Ryujin, pressing her back against the wall softly as she watched the doctor place the tray on the table beside her bed.

"How are you feeling? Does your stomach still hurt?" Ryujin asks, looking slowly down at the blood stained bandages on the girls slightly pale stomach. Winter did not have her shirt on like she was supposed to, the only thing that covered her upper body was a white thin bra and the bandages that already were stained with blood from how often she would bleed, no matter how many times the bandages were changed.

Winter shook her head slowly, "it only hurts when I move quickly, thank you." Winter then said with a warm smile.

"It's time to eat your food, Minjeong," the doctor said as she held out a hand to the girl softly. Winter reaching out her hand to come in touch with both of their hands, placing herself on the bed.

Though Winter did not like porridge at all she still had to eat it since it was part of her getting well again.

The doctor then set up a small table in front of Winter so she could put the tray on it.

The patient watched her movements carefully with a warm smile. She liked how gentle the doctor was with her, she thought she was good at her job and she was right. Taking care of Winter in a respectful manner really helped her stress out less with the Karina thing, not being able to see her. It reminded her of when Karina was gentle with her as well.

After the tray was placed in front of Winter the doctor backed up away to leave her to her meal, she would check up on her later to clean up.

"Wait, Ryujin.." the patient called causing the doctor to turn back to her with a hum.

"Can you do something for me?" Winter asked with a light smile. The doctor nodded slowly, walking back to her.

"Of course. What is it?" The doctor asked.


Karina clicked her mouse on to her computer as she tried to find more information about Winter's stabber. She found out that it was a guy named Kim Jaehyun but he recently changed his name to Jeong Yun-o.

She found his name and what he looked like but she could not track where he was.

She slammed onto her desk loudly, the sound echoing in her office, "fuck!" Karina then frizzed her hair up in stress. She wanted to see her girlfriend but she could not. She was not going to see her until that son of a bitch was dead.

A light knock placed on her office door, her sharp eye focusing on it.

"Come in." She said sternly.

The door opened. Jeno came in, immediately placing his hands in front of him as he stepped in.

"What do you want Jeno? I'm busy." Karina said, looking him up and down to see his hands trembling and his face in slight shock.

"Miss. Yu... Miss. Kim is dead." Jeno spoke with his head lowered.

Karina's eyes widened as she jumped up from her chair.

"What the hell do you mean she's dead?!?" Karina yelled, already feeling the tears that wanted to burst out.

"The hospital called.. And said she died while she was asleep.." Jeno's voice shook while he tried to hold back the tears that were coming up to his eyes quickly.

Karina was silent for a moment. There was no way Winter was dead, she just was informed that she was getting better yesterday. Why would she suddenly just die..?


"Can you fake my death..?"  Winter asked, looking up at the shocked Doctor. Winter sighed and put her head down.

"I know it may not be easy but please.. I just want to live a normal life. I can't go back with her, please.." Winter mumbled as the doctor gulped nervously.

Ryujin then let out a shaky breath, closing her eyes. She knew that there would be a high chance of losing her job but she knew that she could convince the head of the hospital to spare her job since she had a close connection with her.

"Let's get you out of here, Minjeong.." the girl said before helping the girl out of her bed and giving her all black clothes and a mask plus sunglasses. 

"I'll see what I can do. I'll help you move out of state okay? Just promise me you trust me?" Ryujin then placed soft hands on Winter's shoulders. Winter then nodded slowly, agreeing to leave her now past life.

Winter then was leaded into a private plane after some hours that she had faked her death. She felt bad for leaving her best friend, Yizhuo but she wanted to leave that life in the past. She didn't want to be included with that stuff.

"I'm sorry Yizhuo.." she said underneath her breath as she sat back into a seat in the back of the plane where a guard sat in the front to keep Winter safe.

'A new start for me..'  Winter thought.


AUTHORS NOTE: I actually had fun writing this chapter for some reason I don't know why but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I did. Also thank you guys for voting on this story! It really means a lot, I'll continue to work on this story so please support it as much as you can ^^
Thank you for reading this chapter, please look forward to the next!

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