25, tour pt2

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we made it out of the tour bus and as soon as we stepped out, we got bombarded by paparazzi. they were shoving microphones in our faces and also cameras. there were also many fangirls and fanboys. we quickly made it to our hotel and i sighed.

we got our keys and me and bill headed towards our room.
we made it to our floor and bill unlocked the door. it was pretty big. it had a bed with a tv, a little kitchen, a living room and a bathroom.

i placed my stuff on the floor and jumped on the bed. „didn't get much sleep last night huh?" bill asked, approaching me. „yeah, i couldn't sleep but at least i got some sleep on the bus" i smiled.
„okay love, they have a pool here so i'll go to the pool, come when you're rested." he smiled at me. he got dressed in his swimming trunks and headed out.

i tried sleeping but i couldn't. i've been tossing around for ten minutes, not being able to close my eyes so i decided to join bill in the pool.

i put on my bikini, took a tote bag and put sunscreen, water and ice in it. i also brought a water gun with me just in case one of the boys attack me with water. i took the keys and headed out. i was waiting for the elevator and when the door opened i froze.

melissa was standing there. „what are you doing here?" i asked her, getting in the elevator. „none of your business, weirdo." she rolled her eyes and i scoffed. she got out of the elevator first and i kicked her leg from behind, making her fall. i giggled and ran towards the pool. i was bill in the pool with georg. i placed all my stuff next to a deckchair and put sunscreen on. i was struggling with my back and asked bill to help me. „hey bill! could you help me with my back?"
„sure! i'll be right there." he got out of the water and took the sunscreen out of my hand. he pumped a few times and placed it on my bag.

i gasped because his hands were really cold. „thanks babe" i kissed him on the cheek. he then jumped in the water and i jumped after him.

i got on a floaty and i wasn't even on it for ten seconds when i got flipped over. it was georg, of course. „oh you wanna play this game?" i smirked. i got out of the water, took my large water gun and his face dropped, so did. bills.
i filled it up with water and started shooting at georg. he was trying so hard to dodge it but couldn't.

bill was laughing and so was i. i stopped since i was getting bored. i placed the water gun back in my tote bag and jumped in the water.

„so, when does the concert start?" i asked. „tomorrow at 2pm." bill replied.

i was about to say something when someone interrupted me.
„excuse me, i think you dropped this" i looked behind and i saw melissa holding MY water gun.

„oh no you didn't. give it back!" i jumped out of the water and started chasing her. her aim was pretty bad. i tackled her to the floor and ripped the water gun out of her hands. she was still dry so i started shooting her. she started screaming. bill, georg and i started laughing at her as she ran back inside of the hotel.


a hour passed and i got bored. i headed back to my hotel room and took a shower. i headed out of the shower, got dried and put on my pj. i walked out of the bathroom and saw bill watching tv.

„when did you come?" i asked. „like ten minutes ago." he said. he motioned for me to come to him. i sat on his lap facing him and hugged him.

„y/n, i love you so much." he said and gently placed his hands on my waist. „i love you too" i mumbled and put my head in the crook of his neck.

it was like 3pm and we had three more hours till dinner. „what should we go in these 3 hours?" i asked bill. „i don't know, i'm kinda bored." he pulled me even closer. „i have an idea of what we could do" bill said and smirked at me. i gave him a soft slap. „you perv" i said sarcastically as i started laughing and so did he.


y'all like the long chapters or short chapters?!?!? BTW BRO TYSM FOR 1.16k READS AAAAAHHHH IM SO HAPPY TYSM 💗💗💗
i literally went to sleep with 800 reads and woke up with 1.16k OMG😭😭🫶🫶🫶

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