23, upcoming tour

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i work up, feeling horrible. i looked around and saw bill with his head on my lap. i guess i was in the nurses room.

i stretched and bill groaned, he then woke up. "y/n! you're awake!" he hugged me, but then gave me a soft slap. "don't do that ever again y/n. you got me so worried."
i understood what he was talking about. "why would you starve yourself? you're perfect just the way you are. you're gorgeous." he had tears in his eyes and i couldn't help but also let out some tears. "y/n.. why?"
"i-i never really liked the way i looked and i finally gained my confidence a few months ago but then melissa ruined it. i started starving myself to get skinnier." i said and looked away. i couldn't look him in the eye.

he grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. he placed a soft kiss on my lips. "y/n you're so gorgeous, i don't wanna lose you. you got me so worried love, but you gotta eat. promise me you will eat." he held out his pinky. i hesitated for a moment but then i realized i had to give in. i'll eat just for him. just to make him happy.

i also held out my pinky and our pinkies collided.  "y/n..." he said. "yeah?" "i think you might have an eating disorder.." i stayed silent. i wasn't surprised since i'm practically starving myself. "i-i know.." i grabbed his hand. the nurse came in. "hello y/n, just take this medicine and you're free to go." she smiled at me. "what is this?" i asked her. "painkillers" she smiled. i took the pill out of her hand. bill filled up some water in a glass snd gave it to me. i placed the pill in my mouth snd drank the water. "see ya!" the nurse said and i waved.

when me and bill were far from the nurse i spit out the pill. "you didn't take the pill?" bill stated in shock. "nah, they weren't painkillers, it's a pill that makes you gain weight. i know it by the color of the pill." bills face softenes. "okay love." he smiled. the bell was supposed to ring any minute which meant it would be lunch break. me and bill headed towards the cafeteria and waited till the bell rang. it rang and we walked in, grabbing a tray and getting food. i didn't really wanna eat but i made a promise to bill, so i grabbed the corn dog, some chicken nuggets and a fruit salad. bill smiled as he saw my tray. he grabbed himself the same but just without the fruit.

i demolished the food and finished in less than a minute. "someone's hungry" bill smirked and i giggled. "i feel like i'm gonna explode." i whined.


school ended and i was at bills place. we were having fun until his manager called. bill excused himself. his smile faded as he was talking to his manager.

after a while he hung up and walked towards me, looking sad. "what's wrong? what did he say?" i asked, gently rubbing his back. "we will be having a tour." he frowned. "what!? that's amazing bill!" i said excited. but then i realized it. "for uh.. how long?" "three months." he looked away. "w-what?" bill nodded. "that's so long.. why not less?" i wrapped my arms around him. "i don't know, apparently we're gonna be traveling to poland, italy, austria and switzerland." we stayed silent when an idea came to my mind. "what if you ask your manager if i could come too!?" i stood up. his face immediately lit up and he grabbed his phone. bill started talking to his manager and i could only hear a bit.

"i don't know bill.."
"come on please!!!" bill pleaded. "i'm not so sure about this. i don't think she'll come with us." the manager said. "if she's not going then i'm also not going." i stared at bill,  shaking my head, he smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.
"wha- bill! you cannot not come! it's your tour." "i know but i can also cancel it. so.. is she coming with us or not?" the manager let out a sigh. "fine.. she can come"

me and bill started jumping up and down, our fingers collided together. "thank you so so so much! bye!" he hung up. "yay you can come!" he said as we kept jumping up and down. 

"but i have to ask my mom.. you know.. we won't be in school for 3 months.." i frowned.
"your right.. but you can ask her to homeschool you? i'll also get homeschooled, even when we come back home from tour, i'll be homeschool. and besides, this is our last year of high school."
bill reassured me. "okay, but come with me! i'll ask her personally."

we headed towards my place and i started looking for my mom. she was in the kitchen making some pie. "hey lovebirds, can i help you guys?" she smiled.

"mom.. can i go on tour with bill?" i asked. "how long is it?" "3 months..." she stayed silent. "what about school? you still have to finished it."

"i can get homeschooled! we'll hire tutors on the tour and also when i come back home from school i'll still be homeschooled since it's the last year of high school anyway."

my mom was thinking about it. "fine, you can go but only if you actually study," me and bill looked at each other and started jumping again. "thank you thank you thank you!!!" i hugged my mom and she giggled.


"when are we leaving ?" i asked. we were back at the twins place with gustav and georg with us. "we're leaving in like four days." bill said, eating the cereal he made himself. i nodded and went up to his room. "where are you going?" bill said with his mouth full of the cereal. "to your room, kind of tired." it was only 7pm and i wasn't that tired, only a little. "oh okay, i'll come later!" he said and i nodded. i made it to his room and sat on his desk. he didn't finish his homework so i quickly did it for him. i laid on his bed and stared at the ceiling, thinking about our future. my eyes felt heavy and i slowly drifted off.

"aleyna! langsam, du wirst dich verletzen"
(aleyna! slow down, you'll hurt yourself!) bill shouted. there was a little girl running around with a paper plane. me and bill were sitting under a tree. „hey love." i said and wrapped my arms around his waist. „hi my love" bill said, but then our little girl was running towards us. she flew into our arms. "mama! papa! wann kommt mein bruder?" (mom! das! when's my brother coming?" the 4 year old girl asked as she pointed to my stomach. „he'll come soon baby." i said and bill caressed her cheek. „okay!" she said, running off again.

bill looked at me. „can't believe we have built  an amazing family my love. there's soon gonna come another little one." he said, rubbing my stomach. he leaned in and kissed me. „i love you so much love."

i then opened my eyes.
oh, it was a dream. i saw bill on his desk, eating some cookies. he turned to me. „hey love! you're finally awake" he smiled. „yeah.." i chuckled. „dreamt of anything?" he asked. i stood frozen. i had a dream of me and bill having kids. if i told him that, i'd probably make things awkward between us. „yeah i did" i hugged him. „really? what did you dream of?" he turned to me. i turned red and tried hiding my face but he noticed it. „y/n? come on tell me" he grinned.

„i- i-" i started laughing.  „i dreamt of us..."
„yeah?" „of us.. having kids" i hid my face and jumped on the bed. bill chuckled. he got up from his chair and got on top of me. „that's cute" he smiled at me. „what else?" he asked.

„like.. we were under a tree, a little girl playing with a paper plane, she then rushed towards us and asked when her brother will come, she then pointed to my stomach and you said he'll be there soon. she walked off and you said you're so happy that we have a family and then i woke up"

bill hugged me tighter as i told him the story. „maybe that's a sign" he smirked and looked me in the eyes. i turned red again and looked away. bill grabbed my chin and kissed me gently. i kissed him back and it pretty much turned into a make out session.

„i love you so much love, and i would really want to start a family with you." bill said, his cheeks turning pink.
i smiled. „i'd like to start a family with you too." i chuckled. he kissed me again and then laid his head on my chest.


A/n: should i make my chapters shorter?

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