11, the birthday party

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i took a nap since bill told me to rest. i woke up a hour later and started getting ready for me and bills date. i put on the dress he bought me for my birthday, which is today. i also put on all the jewelry i got for my birthday since bill told me to.

i did my makeup. nothing too crazy. i put on some concealer, tiny bit of blush and then did my eyelids. i did a smokey look. i then applied some eyeliner.
after that i put on mascara and some lipgloss. i had some black heels so i decided to wear them too. i quickly straightened my hair. i sprayed some perfume on and headed to bills house.  he has requested me not to go in the house since it was a surprise. he had already told me it would be a party but i wasn't let inside. i called bill and let him know that i'm outside of his house.
„okay i'll be there in a second" he said.
like five seconds later, bill comes slightly opening the door and squeezing himself through the small space. i giggled.

he looked at me up and down. „y/n you're gorgeous." he smiled
„thank you." i turned red. „you yourself are handsome." he chuckled as his cheeks turned a soft pink. he was wearing the matching outfit that we bought together. „i like your outfit" i giggled. „thanks." he smirked. he had recently dyed some white strands in his hair. it made him look even more attractive than he already is.

we got into his car and drove to a restaurant. it wasn't our usual restaurant. we went to a fancier one this time.
as we got out of the car, there were body guards outside of the place. looks like it even fancier than i thought it would be. we got in and went to our table. „what will you order?" i asked bill.
„maybe this pasta. it sounds yummy" i laughed. „and what about you?"
„i don't know.. maybe this burger"
„wait there are burgers?!" the boy asked, his eyes wide opened.
„yeah!" i laughed
„i'm getting one too!"
we ordered the burgers and drinks.

„bill, i know you're probably getting annoyed of me saying this.. but thank you. thank you for this. you're truly the best boyfriend." i smiled at him, taking his hand.
he stared at me softly, his eyes shining. „it's okay n/n (nickname), i don't mind. and you're welcome, anything for you" i smiled softly, rubbing his thumb against my hand. i love his eyes. those piercing brown eyes.
15 minutes later, the food came. they were really big. me and bill started devouring the burger like we haven't eaten in five days. people were staring at us but we didn't care. we enjoyed the burger. i had finished first and bill finished ten seconds later.
„i beast you" i smirked
„that's because i let you win" bill smiled
„yeah yeah, whatever you say, pretty boy" i giggled, looking into his eyes. his cheeks turned red.

we were about to pay but we started arguing.
„i'll pay y/n"
„no! i'll pay its my birthday!" „duhh it's your birthday, that's why i have to pay." „yeah but i'm treating you!" „let's just split the check y/n" bill laughed.
„fine let's split it"

after we payed, we made our way to bills car and got in. „that was so yummy, but im do stuffed." i said „literally! im gonna explode!" bill replied.
we were five minutes away from his place, when he spoke up. „ready for the party?"
„oh baby, i was born ready!" i said sarcastically and smirked.

we finally arrived and got out of his car. bill wrapped his arm around my waist as we made our way towards the door.
bills pov:
i unlocked the door and went inside first then y/n following after me. i nodded to tom for him to start the countdown. „where is everyo-„
„happy birthday!" confetti was flying all over the place. y/n got jumpscared which made me giggle.
she smiled widely as she realized what was happening. everyday i seem like falling even harder for her. she's so adorable it drives me crazy. everyone greeted and hugged y/n as the party started. there were many people from the school. some people gave her gifts and some didn't, but she didn't seem like she cared.

the loud music was blasting and people were already getting drunk and dancing. luckily me and tom put plastic wrap around our new white couch so that it doesn't get dirty. we
we're one hour in the party and people were already really drunk. i also had a few drinks myself and i felt myself getting a bit tipsy. i looked for y/n and headed towards her.

y/ns pov:

i was enjoying this party. all my friends were here and it was super fun. suddenly, a pretty drunk bill came rushing towards me. „y/nnn!! i missed you!" he hugged me tightly. i could already tell he was drunk. it made me laugh. „i missed you too bill!"
„why won't you drink anything y/n?"
„oh i don't drink bill" i laughed
„okay!" he had a childish smile on his face as he dragged me to where people were dancing. „let's dance my love" bill smirked. he grabbed me by my waist and and pulled me closer. suddenly on the floor by jenifer lopez started playing. i was moving my hips, dancing. bill then twirls me around a few times before we start grinding onto eachother.

i wasn't drunk since i had nothing to drink but i sure acted like i was. it was about 1am and we decided to end the party. it started at 7pm which means it was 6hrs long. everyone went home and the twins house was a mess. bill was passed out on the couch while tom was making out with some girl. i told the girl that the party was over. she rolled her eyes and said „whatever" and left.
„why'd you do that?" tom said
„the party's over. we gotta clean up this mess."
„good luck with that" he laughed out. „what do you mean? you're helping me." „why?"
„because we're the only people concious. bill is literally passed out. he had too much to drink"
"so? i'm not helping" "uhh yes you are? or else i'm telling your mom" "ugh fine i'll help. but just a little"

we finally finished cleaning. it was 2am now and i was so tired. tom went off to his room and i was carrying bill. i finally got to his room and placed him on his bed. i woke him up. "bill. bill! wake up you have to put on your pjs!" i whisper-yelled.
"i don't want to.." he mumbled
"come on. i'll help you"
"just take off my clothes i'll sleep in my boxers" my cheeks turned pink as he said that. i first took of the vest he was wearing. how didn't he get hot in that? i then moved on to his shirt, trying to do it slowly, then i took of his pants and socks. he was not left in only his boxers.
"thank you my love" he giggled. he was still drunk.

i put his clothes in a laundry basket as i took my makeup off. i headed to his closet and took some of his pjs and put them on. i then made my way to the bed, pulling the covers over us. he turned around and kissed me. i kissed back. he then pulled away as we cuddled and fell asleep.


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