2. Mr Darcy's Ultimatum

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William faces a dilemma, trying to convince his grandfather he's fit for the chairman role. His grandfather offers a choice: let the board choose or fulfill a condition - finding a suitable wife and settling down. William, accustomed to a playboy lifestyle, is reluctant due to his father's failed marriage. Love isn't on his mind, having witnessed his parents' relationship crumble when his father left after broken promises.

Having assisted a woman at a club, he regrets not exchanging contact information, wishing to share his concerns with her. Thoughts of Elizabeth occupy his mind at work the following day, pondering her trust in a stranger and wondering about her perception of him. Accepting the unlikelihood of seeing her again, he attempts to shift his focus back to work, striving to put her out of his thoughts.

William is taken aback by the arrival of his best friend, Charles Bingley, at his office.
"I was hoping we could grab lunch together."
"Your unwavering dedication to work never ceases to amaze me, even with so many capable people around."
"Good afternoon, Charles. How can I assist you?"
"Why ask such a question? I clearly invited you to lunch. Do you have trouble hearing?"
"I'm not fond of interruptions while I'm working."
"Apologies. I just wanted to check on you. You left me hanging at the bar last night after inviting me to join you for a party, claiming it was to escape your grandfather's demands."
"I can't focus with you around. Let's grab lunch."
"Sounds like a plan," Charles agreed.
They headed to a Manhattan restaurant near the Darcy offices for their lunch. Their lunch was brief due to Charles receiving an urgent call that required his immediate return to the office. As Mr. Darcy sat alone, he contemplated how he could persuade his grandfather to abandon the idea he considered a futile waste of his time.

He held the belief that love was more of a fleeting fancy than a lifelong commitment, even though he witnessed his grandparents' deep affection for each other. He often expressed his view that relationships are about learning to be together, nurturing them through dedication. He acknowledged that not everyone shared this perspective. To him, it seemed like an arrangement, lacking the essence of a genuine connection. His grandmother would counter, suggesting he give it a try. She encouraged him to marry someone understanding and willing to put in the effort, someone who wouldn't easily give up on the relationship.

After a solitary spell, he chose to return to his office but made a pit stop at Starbucks for a coffee. He was taken aback when he spotted a woman bearing a striking resemblance to the one he encountered the previous night. As they stood side by side waiting for their coffees, he mustered, "You wouldn't happen to be Elizabeth, would you?"
In the chill of November, Elizabeth had donned a modest dress, complemented by a coat and scarf for added warmth. Perplexed, she retorted, "What sort of question is that?" Her confusion turned to realization as she glanced up and met his icy blue gaze. "Apologies, William, right? I didn't recognize you," she responded, a hint of recognition dawning upon her. They exchanged smiles as they collected their coffees.
"I must run, swamped with work," she hurriedly mentioned, clearly wanting to escape the awkwardness.
"No problem at all. It was nice to see you again," he said, offering a parting sentiment. "Her behavior seemed odd," he pondered as he made his way to his office building, catching sight of a nearby diner. He speculated that perhaps the woman worked there, given her hurried direction. He formed a plan to visit the diner for lunch, hoping to catch another glimpse of her and potentially uncover the reason behind her uneasy demeanor upon seeing him.

Elizabeth found herself in a state of uncertainty as memories from the previous night resurfaced. She hurriedly entered the diner adjacent to her office, hoping to avoid encountering the man again. Opting for a slice of pie, she settled into a seat at the rear of the establishment.

Savoring her cappuccino and a slice of apple pie, Elizabeth's thoughts remained fixated on William. He had occupied her mind throughout the previous night, his kindness in assisting her lingering in her thoughts. The way he had stayed by her side rather than leaving, his genuine care, and the assurance she felt under his protection all struck her deeply. "Why, then, did I find myself fleeing from him?"

In the midst of preparations for a visiting investor, the office was struggling with a backlog of tasks, including the essential year-end auditing.

Elizabeth's concern stemmed from the looming possibility that unless a solution was swiftly devised, early holiday plans might need to be forsaken, prolonging the completion of their tasks.

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