Their unwavering support was a constant reminder of the journey he had undertaken to reach this point.

Every steal, every assist, every point he scored was a tribute to their belief in him.

The third quarter brought a surge of energy from both teams. Y/n remained a force on the court, driving to the basket with finesse and sinking mid-range jumpers with confidence.

He showcased his ability to create his own shot while also creating scoring opportunities for his teammates.

During timeouts and breaks in the action, Y/n's teammates rallied together. Their camaraderie was evident in their interactions, the way they encouraged each other, and the shared determination to advance in the playoffs.

Y/n felt a deep sense of connection with his teammates, knowing that they were all in this together.

With the game entering its final quarter, the Lakers held a slight lead, and the tension in the arena was electric. Y/n knew that this was the moment to shine, to leave his mark on his playoff debut.

The crowd chanted his name as he stepped up to the free-throw line, the pressure of the moment washing over him.

He took a deep breath and sank both free throws, extending the Lakers lead. But he wasn't done yet. Y/n continued to push the tempo, finding his rhythm from beyond the arc and sinking crucial three-pointers that ignited the crowd and demoralized the opposing team.

As the clock ticked down, Y/n's stat line was a testament to his impact on the game—31 points, 10 rebounds, 11 assists, 4 steals, and 1 block. He had given his all on both ends of the court, leaving everything on the hardwood.

The final buzzer sounded, and the arena erupted in cheers. The Lakers had secured a hard-fought victory, and Y/n's playoff debut had been nothing short of spectacular.

As he walked off the court, he was met with high-fives and embraces from his teammates, their admiration evident in their smiles.

In the post-game interview, sweat still glistening on his forehead, Y/n took a deep breath before addressing the reporters. The excitement of the victory was still coursing through his veins, and he couldn't help but smile.

"First off, I want to give credit to my teammates and the coaching staff," Y/n began, his voice steady and determined. "We knew coming into this game that it would be a battle, and everyone gave their all out there. I'm proud of what we accomplished together."

The reporters leaned in, eager to hear more from the rising star. "You had an impressive all-around performance tonight. What was going through your mind as you guarded Damian Lillard?"

Y/n's gaze sharpened, recalling the moments on the court. "Guarding Lillard is always a challenge. He's a phenomenal player and can make shots from anywhere on the floor. But my teammates and coaches instilled the confidence in me to step up defensively. LeBron and AD, especially, encouraged me to stay focused and give it my all on that end of the court."

A follow-up question came from another reporter. "You had a triple-double tonight—31 points, 10 rebounds, and 11 assists. How do you balance scoring and playmaking, especially in high-stakes playoff games?"

Y/n's lips curled into a thoughtful smile. "Balancing scoring and playmaking is all about reading the game and reacting to what the defense gives me. It's not just about what I can do individually, but how I can elevate my teammates and put them in positions to succeed. I have to credit my teammates for being in the right spots and making the shots count."

Another reporter chimed in, "Your brother James and Jenna were here tonight. How much does their presence in the stands impact your performance on the court?"

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