Chapter 2: The Lion Guard Arrives

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2 months later...

Kion and the Lion Guard stood at the mountain pass.

"We're finally here," Kion smiled.

"Yes, now we can finally have your scar healed," Fuli replied.

Kion nodded, "Okay, let's go." They headed through the mountain pass.

Ullu noticed them, "I better tell Rani." She flew off.

"Rani! Rani!" Ullu shouted.

Rani turned around and growled. Ullu noticed a male lion dead on the ground, bleeding out.

"What!" Rani snarled.

"Uh there are intruders at the mountain pass. I can't tell of they're a threat or not," Ullu explained.

Rani rolled her eyes, "Get Nirmala."

Ullu nodded but looked more at the dead lion. She gasped, "I-Is that Baliyo?"

Rani smirked, "He's a male lion. I've got to get rid of them."

"W-What about Surak?" Ullu asked.

"He's been long gone. I fed him to the vultures," Rani shrugged.

Ullu quickly flew out to get Nirmala. Rani ran toward the mountain pass.


"How many bugs do you think are here? How many do you think I can get in my mouth!" Bunga held his mouth open with his paws to show Fuli.

Fuli gagged and looked away, "I would rather you don't show me your mouth."

"What about you Big B? How many bugs do you think I can fit in my mouth?"

"I'm not sure Little B. But we can find out soon," Beshte smiled.

"Hey guys, can we walk a little faster? I'm trying to get healed here," Kion said.

"Now you're speaking my language," Fuli smirked and picked up the pace.

"Hold up!" Anga shouted. They all stopped. "I think I see two lions coming up!"


Rani made it first to the mountain pass. She caught a scent. It was a mix of animals. She heard running behind her and Nirmala was at her side. They both walked closer.

"I think I see them," Nirmala said. Rani stood still. First, there was a cheetah, then a honey badger, an eagle, a hippo, an egret, and finally, a lion. Rani narrowed her eyes when she realized it was a male.

"Rani, don't think about it. I know you've suffered a lot but we don't know if he's bad news or not," Nirmala explained.

Rani ignored her and lunged at the lion.


Kion gasped as he was thrown to the ground. He looked up and saw a lioness. She looked livid, like she didn't want him to be here.

"Hey! Off my friend!" Bunga charged at the lioness and knocked her off Kion.

Kion quickly stood up.

Another lioness went up to them, "I'm so sorry about this. I'm Nirmala, and this is Queen Rani. We don't mean you any harm, I promise."

Kion and Rani: A Queens Revenge Where stories live. Discover now