Chapter 6: Well, Cya Later

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"Augh, damnit. That hurts." Y/n rubs his head. "Too much ale, ugh."

"Good morning."

"Huh...?" Y/n turns his head to see Helbram in his fairy form, sitting down with his arms and legs crossed. "Ah, good morning HelB, don't tell me something happened last night." Y/n laughs.

"Why?" Helbram asks.

"Hm? Why what?"

"Why are you going this far to save me?"

"Hm... Long story." Y/n sighs.

"I've got time." Helbram tilts his head, his expression is firm, but his eyes are full of curiosity.

"..." Y/n looks away from him and sits up. "I don't want to talk about it, Helbram, drop it."

"..." Helbram sighs. "That expression is a first, was our meeting really that tragic?"

"Why do you want to know? I'm going back soon."

"Dying request?"

"Was that an answer or a question?"

"I suppose it's both. What does happen? Clearly memories aren't kept, so..." Helbram asks.

"It restarts, that's what Merlin said anyways. Going back in time is dangerous and stupid. Every time I do everything must happen again, however far I go back."

"Makes sense, so what happens to you?" Helbram asks.

"Well, I guess I'll explain it. However old I am is the minimum amount of years I can go back. I'm 22 now so, I have to go back at least 22 years."

"I see."

"The furthest I've ever gone back was 683 years, 11 months, and 2 weeks. But this time, I'm planning on going back the full 700, I'll be exhausted for a while but, I'll survive."

"Exhausted when you get back or while you're there?"

"Both. I can only stay in the past for a month. Once I'm done, I'll go to sleep and have dreams until the day I'm born again. I'll have to go through childhood again, everything... again..." He sighs. "Doesn't it sound tiring?"

"It does, why do you keep doing it? Is it really for me?" Helbram asks.

"I'm pretty selfish and greedy, don't underestimate my corrupted determination." Y/n smiles.

"Saving me for your own greed? Is that selfish or selfless?"

"I'm doing to make myself feel better, so it's selfish." Y/n brushes his hand through his hair. "Although your laps pretty comfortable."

"Tch." Helbram shakes his head. "How contradictory."


"Selfishly selfless. Saving a life to save yours. Interesting."

"Yeah, yeah. You've said that a hundred times." Y/n gets up and stretches. "I'm bored of this one, and I've gathered up enough energy to go back again. I just need one more thing. Will you be a dear and get me something containing magic. I need a little help to go back that far."

"Fine. How annoying."

"Face it, you've grown to love me."

"I find you interesting, I wish you could be my test subject."

"Oh, you little researcher." Y/n laughs.

"I know just the thing, let's go." Helbram sighs before transforming into that filthy human I can't wait to meet.






"Ah, it's perfect! Thanks, HelB~" Y/n smiles as he takes a large crystal that seems to be radiating with magic.

"Yeah, yeah..." Helbram sighs.

"What's the matter?" Y/n asks.

"My mind is cloudy because of Hendrickson's spell but, you mentioned Harlequin meeting a girl, and that it wouldn't have happened if I didn't get captured by those humans."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure the lover boy gets his 'Towering Cutiepie,' Diane." Y/n smiles.

"I don't care."

"I know you don't." Y/n pats his head instantly resulting in a 'poof' and that green fairy popping out.

"Don't..." Helbram sighs before giving into to it and hugging Y/n. "Don't do all this weird talking with him alright? It's unsettling to know someone has this power. And it would've scared and intrigued me and Harlequin when we were younger."

"Alright. Don't worry my love, I'll make sure you never have another nightmare. And also, I'll get rid of that human before he can hurt anyone else." Y/n pets Helbram head.

"Thank you."

"For? I think I've only annoyed you in this time."

"The idea that someone cares enough about me to truly save me from ever being in pain in the first place instead of putting me to rest, is... I guess, it's comforting."

"HelB, you can be such a baby sometimes."

"Tch, humans never change." Helbram leans back with an annoyed expression.

"Well, Helbram, I'm gonna go ahead and get going. Cya later."

"Yeah, 'cya later,' Y/n." 

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