16 | ...A Declaration?

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Kenji walked up to the front door of his own house, raising his hand to knock but he pulled back slightly—what should he say to his mother? What should he do? Is she cooking right now, because it smells so good.

Kenji swallowed the lump in his throat, and knocked three times. The sound of clattering utensils and the stove being turned off was barely audible through the door.


Makoto opened the door and almost cried at the sight of her own son, biting his lower lip and looking away from her. To her, Kenji looked like a child guilty of breaking a specific vinyl record.

The thought made her smile and giggle softly.

"Have you had any breakfast yet sweetie?" She asked, stepping aside to let Kenji in. "I cooked your favorite breakfast, omelette with fish and miso."

Kenji closed his eyes and hugged his mother. Something he hasn't done ever since he turned 14 and angsty. Makoto was surprised, it's been so long since her own son hugged her, and it took her a while to register that she is being hugged by her son.

She smiled and wrapped her arms around Kenji, stroking his hair as she hummed the lullaby she sings to him as a child, which did the trick in calming him down.

"You and I have alot to talk about, but that can wait after school yeah?" Makoto asked, kissing Kenji's forehead. "So go and eat breakfast, get your uniform, and get going." Makoto said.

Kenji nodded, looking above Makoto's shoulder to see that she had already prepared both her and his breakfast, as if she was already expecting him to come back.

"It's scary that you kinda knew I was gonna come back." Kenji chuckled, walking inside and sitting down on his chair.

"I know you, Kenji. You also did the same thing years ago when you broke my vinyl record." Makoto replied, "It was so textbook too, you disappeared for 3 days only to come back, biting your lower lip, looking down at the pavement, and then hugging me." Makoto continued, making Kenji blush from the embarrassment.

"You haven't changed." Makoto sighs, taking a bite from her omelette. "You just grew up." She continued, chuckling before drinking her tea.

"Thanks...Mom..." Kenji mumbled, eating his breakfast.

After breakfast, Kenji sprinted up to his room to grab his uniform, leaving Makoto to clean up their plates and wash them, humming a song she had performed years ago when she was still an active idol.

Kenji opened the door to his room, his Endeavor-theme bed tucked in the corner, beside it is a computer desk with a custom-built desktop where he either draws, plays games, or watch movies and shows, the shelf on top of it is filled with the Endeavor merch and the custom merch of him and Katsuki that he commissioned to someone years ago.

Although he sleeps and plays in this same room for about 15 years, he almost can never get tired of walking into his room, his safe space. Kenji opens his closet and grabbed his uniform and quickly changed, fixing his tie and his hair, and reach out on the shelf for the locket that he made that resembled Katsuki's hero costume, wearing it around his neck.

"Have a good day sweetie!" Makoto exclaimed, waving goodbye as Kenji bolts out of the door, seeing Katsuki already waiting for him outside.

"Took you long enough." Katsuki complained, walking ahead of Kenji, prompting the other to catch up while drinking his apple juice. "Sorry, I had to rummage through some old stuff." Kenji sheepishly replied, reaching out to hold Katsuki's hand. Katsuki looked down briefly, how his hand is a bit larger and rougher than Kenji's smaller and smoother hand, before looking ahead as if he's acting unfazed and totally not flustered.

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