2 | Fear

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"You forgot to carry the one Kenchan." Katsuki instructs, pointing at the fourth problem at Kenji's worksheet, "Oh! No wonder why it looked so... wrong..." Kenji cringes at the revelation, making Katsuki chuckle rather loudly, "Quiet Bakugou!" Our teacher scolds us, making Kenji giggle softly at him. "Whatever." He says in defeat, going back to his worksheet. "Katsuki, you forgot the 2 in your number four." Kenji says to him, pointing his pencil at the mistake, "Oh." Was the response Kenji received from his best friend before Katsuki redid the problem, "There?" "Yep! Looks great!"

It has been a year ever since Kenji and Katsuki met, and the two have been a stellar duo in every class they were in; Katsuki and Kenji were always at the top of their sections, Katsuki being the best, and Kenji being right behind him. This was always their dynamic after all, and Kenji acknowledges it, he will always be Katsuki's number two, but that never did bother him, after all, behind all those achievements was Kenji helping the other. Being at the top means that all the kids want to hang out with them, either is because the duo are academically amazing or they're both good-looking. How they handled this is what surprised both the teachers and the students.

Kenji was humble and said that "If you're going to be my friends just because I'm smart, then I don't think we can be friends for long." This was rather direct but had its points. "If you want to be better, then we can go over what you guys are having a hard time with! I'll help you!" Kenji was nice, considerate, and really shy, but when he does find his voice he's passionate and was rather insightful for a 5-year-old.

Katsuki was a different story, he relished the feeling of being showered with praises and kids fawning over him. If other kids think that Kenji was shy and too reserved, they would run to Katsuki because he was more extroverted and outgoing. Every day, after school, Katsuki would always brag how he has a lot of minions compared to Kenji while the latter boy would reply with something along the lines of, "You shouldn't call our classmates like that Suki." or "That sounds great Suki! But please don't call them like that." Katsuki of course valued Kenji's inputs, not as praises or hymns of worships, but genuine words of his best friend.

Which he valued more than whatever those 'extras,' as Katsuki puts it, has to say.

Lunchtime. After hours of saying things In English, improving their Japanese, and crying over math, it was time for the second-best period of the day. Second only to dismissal, where Katsuki gets to walk with Kenji home,

"How about you go and make more friends Katsuki! I'll have my lunch under the shade." Kenji says to the blonde, "Huh?! Can't we do either together?! Are we not friends anymore?!" Katsuki exclaims in disbelief, gaining some of the kids' attention. "N-n-no S-s-suki! I just want to eat, and I-I-I know you want to play with your other friend. Don't worry, I'll be here waiting." Kenji says, stuttering at first with the sudden gain in attention.

"Fine. Don't leave okay?!" Katsuki yells at Kenji, making Kenji flinch slightly, "S-sorry!" Katsuki apologizes quickly before running to his other friends.

Kenji, now alone, opens his lunchbox and unwraps his Nutella sandwich, it had been screaming his name ever since he saw it being placed in his lunchbox after all. He was about to take a generous bite out of it until a certain freckled green-haired boy approaches him.

Kenji was annoyed, to say the least.

"Uhmm... Y-you're Kacchan's friend right?" The boy asks Kenji, and Kenji nods. "Then that makes me your friend! My name is Midoriya Izuku!" Midoriya introduces himself to Kenji and Kenji smiles, splitting his sandwich messily, and giving the smaller portion to Midoriya. "R-r-really?! Y-y-you, d-don't have to!" Midoriya panics, trying to reject the offer. "It's a peace offering Midoriya! You're friends with Suki, after all, that means a lot of yelling and bragging." Kenji says, recounting his own experiences.

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