14 | Breakthrough (Discovery Pt. Final)

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!!TW: Implied Suicide!!


"Push me to my limit?"

"Of course! The only reason I joined this lame group was to find a way to get to you. The only Murata who our family's traditions haven't tainted." The villain spoke, approaching me with no malice nor hate inside him, he's genuine about it. "If you are part of my family, tell me your name!" I demanded, creating hate monsters around me, "Of course, how could I forget! My name is Goro Murata, nice to meet you, nephew." He greets me; again he has no ill intentions, which is the scary part to me, "N-nephew? But Hua is my only-" "Ah, Hua! My beloved younger sister! It's a shame really that she had to put me in Tartarus, but now I'm free! And my objective is, like I said, to push you to your limits." Goro stated as he got closer to me and I couldn't move, what's strange is my monsters aren't moving either. "Oi! Why aren't you guys doing anything!" I ordered my minions but they remained motionless. "Ah! You were trying to make them protect you? Cute, but unfortunately, using Hate against me is practically useless! I am the Murata of Hate after all." My opponent said as he snaps his fingers, and in that moment all of my monsters disappeared. "Once you've been forced to master an emotion, any Murata that wishes to use that emotion against the person who has mastered it will ultimately be rendered useless. For example, just now, you using Hate is effectively useless when using it against me." Goro stated, stopping in his tracks now that we were practically face-to-face.

I can't use Hate against him, I can't use Fear due to its instability in open areas and I haven't fully mastered it yet, so that leaves me with...

"All I need to do is bide for time," I said right at his face, "And you're just close enough too." I grinned as I accumulated a new emotion in the palm of my hand and blasted him away with it. "Know your damn place, vile villain," I demanded, my head tilting up as I looked down at him, "Pride, the emotion is mainly used for defense. You've got a good grip on it too huh Kenji?" The dust cloud settled and a ball of pitch black was visible, "I wasn't expecting you to use it, not only that, but that blast was stronger than normal too." Goro said, emerging out of the ball as it disintegrates.

Pride is definitely not meant for offense, I need to find a better answer to his hate or else I'll be overwhelmed fast. Hate is by far the most offensive negative emotion that I know of, and its defensive properties are also impressive; my most reliable tool has been stolen from me, so I have to get creative. I took a deep breath in as I recollect what my aunt told me four years ago...

"Listen well Kenji, each emotion has a special property and ability that you must know. Usually, our parents and heads of our family would reveal this to us for us to choose one emotion to master. But I won't be forcing you to master only one, I ask of you to try your best to learn each one and use them all."

I was never given the opportunity to use positive emotions, I was constantly surrounded by hate, fear, and envy that I couldn't manifest any positive emotions on my own; all this joy, love, and determination came from other people, I always wished that I could feel genuine happiness or some sort of genuine positivity. It was easy to fool people that I have some positivity in me by saying the right words and acting the right way, but deep down I've never felt genuine positivity in me. But that all changed when I entered U.A.

"Kirishima, Mina, Katsuki, Izuku, Iida, Uraraka... thank you for helping me," I said to myself as I start focusing on my quirk, "I haven't felt any love or happiness when I was in my middle school days, but you guys changed that. In just a span of a few days, you guys never felt any fear or hate toward me, just genuine joy and love. I hope to learn more of my quirk with you guys by my side."

"The only way to beat a strong and versatile emotion like Hate is with--"

"Love!" I exclaimed and a bright pink light wrapped around my hand as I felt my mood getting brighter and brighter. "Useless! A novice user like you is weak in front of a seasoned veteran like me!" Goro shouted as he waved his hand, tendrils of darkness charged at me at blinding speed. "I don't need to be better than you to know that I win!" I shouted back, grabbing a thin string of light from the ball that has accumulated in my hand, and pulling it back as if I was mimicking an archer pulling back the bowstring to shoot an arrow. "Because Love is the natural weakness of Hate!" I said shooting a single arrow of light splitting into more arrows as it gets closer to the tendrils and Goro. And just as expected the arrows cut through the tendrils easily, "You're well educated with the interactions of each emotion!" Goro said as he creates a wall of pure hate, the wall was thick enough for the arrows to be blocked effectively, but I just know that it took a lot of it to block my attack.

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