Tutoring and Partying

Start from the beginning

"Ready, bitch?" She smiled.

"Umm..." I started.

"I've got stuff in my car for you. You aren't going to a party like that," she smiled.

"What's wrong with my outfit?" I demanded. My beatles tshirt fit loosely against my body with my blue skinny jeans and white converse. My hair laid naturally down my back.

"You look normal," she stated.

"I already have enough unwanted attention. There's no need to make me look good," I complained.

"You are not showing up to this party with me, looking like that," she stated firmly.

"But this is who I am," I protested.

"So just be a different person for one night. Go be Phoenix Black who doesn't care what other people think. You can't be one person for the rest of your life, find you're calling," Jade soothed.

"Wow, thanks for the pep talk," I said, rolling my eyes.

I got up from behind the counter and grabbed my keys. She went out first, me following behind so I could lock up.

"It's just one night where you go and be a completely different person, and if you don't like it, go back to your old self," she persisted.

"Fine , whatever. It's not like you're going to drop it anyways," I caved.



Jade and I ended up getting ready in her car. She parked by the woods in front of Jason's house so I could change clothes.

It was cramped while she applied my makeup, the lights on the ceiling off her car turned up high. She had every sort of makeup, hair product, hygiene object you could think of.

My hair laid in loose curls around my shoulders. My green eyes were the center of attention. Jade had given me a smokey eye look with thick dark lashes. I had blood red lipstick on making my lips look fuller.

I was wearing one of Jades 'appropriate' dresses. It was strapless and black. It made its way mid thigh, and that was short because I was taller. It had parallel cuts in the back, showing more skin than absolutely necessary. My legs were cold and my heart was pounding. I was way out of my comfort zone.

"Stop touching your hair, you're going to mess it up," Jade snapped.

"Jeez, sorry," I sighed.

When we were passing Jason's mailbox, I could hear the music. We were about 200 feet away and the music was as clear as day. People were outside playing beer pong on folding tables, people swimming in his pool. There were at least 100 people out front.

"Why do you get to look like that and I look like this?" I demanded when I got hungry looks from horny teenagers.

"Because, we are trying something new. You're going to be the hot outgoing friend, while I get drunk," she smiled. And with that she ran into Lucas' arms. He was waiting on the porch with a beer in his hand. Jade took it gratefully.

I was going to turn around to leave but my phone jingled.

Just because I left you alone doesn't mean you can leave. Get your awesome ass in here and have some fun!!!

I groaned in defeat. She wouldn't let me leave. I dragged my feet, (which were in 2 inch heels), through the already opened front door. When you first walked in you were welcomed by a sea of bodies. Hands were flying in the air to the beat of the music, loud laughs traveling through the air. Every corner was occupied by awkward couples making out. Some were drinking, trying to make it less uncomfortable. I walked to the kitchen, trying to find a drink that wasn't poisoned or alcohol. Once again, more couples were sitting on the counter, groping each other while swallowing faces. Smells mixed together, sweat and too much perfume. Add in some alcohol and maybe weed and suddenly you have a party.

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