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That guy is This guy Chapter 31

[Party] Drink some water: If you want Rahee too

[Party] Drink some water: It's settle for trade;

[Party] Mocha Bread: In that case, should I send the tanker to the other side?

[Party] Yoo Chae: Hyung

[Party] Yoo Chae: Me?

[Party] Yoo Chae: I want to be on the same team as Hyung...

[Party] I'm sleepy: ?

[Party] I'm sleepy: You said you used to practice

[Party] Yoo Chae: Ah...

[Party] This is Dorahee: ㅎㅎ

[Party] Haerun: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Also, I think a good buffer is good. That Yoo Chae guy is greedy and wants everything to go his way. Well, he's good in raids, but he's even better in PVP.

[Party] I'm getting lazy: Then the tanker, Drink some water

[Party] I'm getting lazy: Gilma-nim, you should come to our team

[Party] Let's go all in: But then it would be...

[Party] Let's go all in: Isn't it newbies vs Water*Yoo Chae?

[Party] Mocha Bread: I can't help it

[Party] Mocha Bread: There is a buffer, but I had to take a tanker

[Party] I'm getting lazy: I think we need to drive a stronger dealer to Sleepy-nim's side?

[Party] Crazy hunting friend: oo

So I, Dora-hee, Park Jin-jin 99, TheHunter, Crazy hunting friend, and Let's go all in became Team A, while Yoo Chae, Drink Some Water, Haerun, Bright Clouds, Mocha Bread, and I'm getting lazy became Team B.

[Party] TheHunter: Will you go to discord first?

[Party] I'm sleepy: No, I'll not be talking

[Party] I'm sleepy: I want to focus

[Party] Crazy hunting friend: Then let's just go without a microphone this time

[Party] Haerun: Good

[Party] Bright Clouds: Which percentage are we going for?

Unlike Field PVP, Arena PVP allows you to adjust the damage percentage in the room settings. Most of them were set at 60-80%.

[Party] Drink some water: Shall we go with the usual arena settings? 80?

[Party] I'm sleepy: maybe let's go with 60?

[Party] Drink some water: 60? ok

In battle, the less the deal goes to the opponent, the more skills you can use.

Of course, it is also necessary to set it to 80% and check how much damage it takes to destroy the opponent, but now it is more urgent to use the skills more than checking damage deal.

[Party] Drink some water: Then today let's go with 60

[Party] Drink some water: Let's do 80 tomorrow

<System> Room settings have been changed.

When the damage percentage setting was finished, the screen changed and a view similar to the Roman Colosseum unfolded in front of my eyes.

<System> Arena will start after 60 seconds.

[Team] This is Dorahee: How should I go?

[Team] This is Dorahee: Is it okay to just fight?

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