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Anyone who has played AOS games or FPS games will understand that feeling when you have to team up with other people who you have only met for the first time.

'Ah! Swearing is so necessary in life.'

Cursing is basically a virtue in life. A person who insults others should be cursed back. At least that's what I believe.

Of course, I don't swear at good mannered users who are enjoying the game nicely. The people I hate are the following:

1. A person who trolls because he doesn't like me or confuses me with the enemy team.

2. A person who likes to sexually harass other users.

3. A guy who goes out of their way to start an argument with me.

In fact, it was annoying to list them all, so most of the time I just block those players and focus on the game. In the case of HOL, the higher the tier, the less likely they are to swear or troll at you, because by that point you will start meeting people, who have similar tastes more and more.

Anyway, playing games is just like working on a group assignment so it made me immune to any kind of infighting.

It has been 16 years since I have played online games, starting with StarCraft, which was popular when I was in elementary school, and I have been through almost everything, so I thought there would be no more unexpected surprises.

[All] I'm sleepy: Are you asking me to change my username;

[All] I'm sleepy: You're talking shit all of a sudden hahaha

[All] I'm sleepy: Do you know me? Why talk so rudely?

Contrary to my expectations, a bastard appeared. I was so angry that I even got riled up. I'm sure everyone has always encountered this kind of bastard in an RPG game to the point that you will start to ignore these kinds of people.

[All] Park Seung-jin 99: Oh... ㄷㄷㄷ

[All] Let's do it: Can I get a three-line summary of what's going on here?

[All] Haerun: It's just the Guild Master being Guild Master

[All] Haerun: End of summary in one line

[All] Park Seung-jin 99: Guild Master, the two of you know each other or something?

[All] Let's do it: This is already the second time

[All] Park Seung-jin 99: The difference in popularity really is something...

The guild members who came to play quickly turned into spectators and ate popcorn on the side-lines. Drink some water, who had been seeing the situation anxiously, rushed in.

[All] Drink some water: Both of you calm down

[All] Drink some water: I'm recruiting this year because of what happened last time was annoying

[All] Yoo Chae: You can add abusive language as the reason for kicking him out ㅇㅇ

[All] Yoo Chae: Even if the username doesn't have any problems, he couldn't even put his act together properly lol

[All] Drink some water: Oh shut up;

[All] I'm sleepy: Could you introduce yourself? hahaha

[All] I'm sleepy: Are you a regular customer of mine?

The childish spectacle continued. It was not really flashy or anything, but that's basically what fighting in a game chat is all about. It was a battle where the more childish you are the higher the chances of winning. If we go any further than this, then we might end up clashing with each other after sending out our phone numbers.

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