Tommy the Tiger

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"But why, mom?"

"Because." She said, sighing wearily. "It's your turn this year. You just have to take Eric around the neighborhood."

"None of his friends need a freaking chaperone."

"Watch your tone, young man." Mom replied, frowning. "It's our rule as a family. You should feel flattered that I consider you mature enough to do it."

"It's Halloween!"

"So? Do you have plans?"


"You'd spend all night pouting if I made you hand out candy while I took Eric out,so this works better."


"No buts, mister." That was how Tommy ended up walking out of the house with his brother Halloween evening. Eric was dressed as a vampire, probably the dorkiest costume imaginable in Tommy's mind.

"Why are we going so early?" Tommy asked irritably.

"I told you!" Eric said. "I need to go over to Jake's house first. It's his first Halloween here, so I'm going to help him with finding the best houses for trick or treating." Tommy groaned.

"So I'm gonna have to chaperone two little dorks?"

"I'm not that little." Eric replied. "I'm taller than you, especially since you slouch." Tommy grunted, the comment stinging a bit. If it had not been such a sore subject, maybe he would have brought that up to his mom. "You're not really chaperoning me anyway. Isn't it obvious? Mom and dad just wanted you out of the house instead of moping around all the time." Tommy's eyes practically flashed as he realized that Eric was probably right.


"C'mon, let's get to Jake's!"

Once they arrived at Jake's, Eric seemed to vanish into his friend's room in almost an instant, leaving Tommy alone to sit on the couch and wait for them to come back. Worst Halloween ever, he thought to himself glumly. It was not as though he had had any plans. He probably would have just hid in his room and played video games or something, but following his brother around the neighborhood while he trick or treated sounded like torture. What if someone saw him and thought he was trick or treating? That was why he had dressed carefully in a hoodie and jeans, the least costume-like outfit he could possibly assemble.

"Hello there." He jumped as an unfamiliar voice startled him, yanking him out of his thoughts. A girl a few years older than Tommy stood there, smiling at him. "What's your name, buddy?"

"Uh... Tom" he mumbled. She was beautiful and he was immediately smitten. She chuckled at his nervousness.

"Nice to meet you, Tommy." She said. "What are you doing here all by yourself?"

"Oh, I'm waiting for my brother. He went into the other room with Jake."

"Ah." She looked him over. "Aren't you trick or treating with them?"

"My mom wants me to chaperone Eric, but"

"Oh, of course." She said, nodding in a way that made it clear she was not really listening. "Shouldn't you be wearing a costume?" She drew closer to him and Tommy stammered.

"Oh, I'm a little old for trick or treating, but" Once again, she did not seem to hear what he was saying.

"I think I know where there's an extra costume. C'mon, I'll help you put it on." She grabbed his hand, Tommy gasping as he felt her impossibly soft skin. Was she an angel? As if she could read his mind, she smiled down at him. "I'm Janet by the way. Jake's older sister. What did you say your brother's name is? Eric?"

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