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The thread of relationship is more tender than even the thread of silk

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The thread of relationship is more tender than even the thread of silk. Once the thread of relationship breaks no matter how much we try it we can't make that like before. Even in some cases we can never mend our relationship.

Subhadra's relationship with her family had messed up before creating any cherished moment. Both of the sides couldn't be blamed in this case as the situation was framed by fate.

Next day after getting ready Subhadra headed to wrestling practice arena to meet her dau. He was demonstrating skill valiantly. Even though he was carrying on the practice on his normal pace that was getting heavy on the wrestlers to handle who were practicing with him.

Reaching there Subhadra sat for watching her dau's skills. Noticing her he slowed down his pace which was a relief to other wrestlers.

"Your arrival is a pleasant surprise, Gudiya. It made my day. By the way I was just practicing," Balram came out of field of practice after completing the session.

"I know that. That was your normal pace of practicing which was so tough for other to tackle. I don't misunderstand anyone that easily, that too at first place," Subhadra assured him after getting the indication of mentioning his practice.

"You came here to watch wrestling, right?" Even he too understood her indication about misunderstanding. To avoid awkwardness he enquired about her arrival.

"Actually I came here to..... to.... to thank... means I appreciated the way you stood for my protection sensibly in feast," she had decided to thank him, but started to stammer when she was about utter the full statement.

"What I had done that was what each brother should do, Gudiya. Gratitude and appreciation aren't needed for that," he was sad due to her formal approach, and at the same time he was happy that she mended her way.

"I am sorry, Dau. I won't repeat this mistake ever," his sadness erased her hesitation of calling him as dau. She didn't make her mind for that move. That  was totally involuntary.

"Even you don't need to apologize. Wait! What did you call me?" He didn't expect her to call him as dau.

"I called you that what you meant for me," she flashed a gentle smile.

"Address me once more, please!" He wished to cheer her voice addressing him once more.

"Even you don't need to say please for anything, Dau!" She obeyed him.

"I had been waiting for this moment since long," he embraced her affectionately.

Holding smiles of joy both Balram and Subhadra left for dining hall. Everyone of family was present there along with royal guests, queens of Indraprastha, Arjun and Nakul.

"Madhav, where you have been?" Arjun was the first one to notice Kanha when he entered into dinning hall.

"I was preparing butter for everyone, especially someone whom I wanna melt over me," holding a pot of butter Kanha went nearer Arjun.

"Is there any girl in this world who can resist your charm?" Arjun laughed making everyone smile at his question.

"Yes, there is a girl who has great resistance power. She doesn't even smile at my gestures," Kanha shifted his gaze towards Subhadra who was walking into accompanied by Balram.

Arjun looked at Subhadra who flashed a greeting smile at him. Balram led Subhadra to sit in between him and Kanha.

"How did you get this wound?" Subhadra shrieked when Kanha was about to feed her butter.

"It's not any wound. I just got red marks while preparing butter," he attempted to escape from her glare which wasn't so easy even for him.

"Butter for melting me! I had heard everything," her glared deepened making him flinch, dramatically.

"Stalking isn't a good manner. By the way I am glad that you have stalked at me," he smiled sheepishly.

Without letting Kanha divert her attention Subhadra excused herself to take him with herself to apply medicinal herbs on his palms. Balram too followed both of them.

"Is it paining much?" Subhadra asked applying herbal paste on Kanha's palms.

"Can't you be careful instead of being clumsy? Are you any child to hurt yourself? I don't want you to repeat this again," she was scolding Kanha which he was enjoying with Balram.

"If I repeat then what punishment will I get?" He earned a shocked glare from her in return.

"More severe scolding from me," she replied.

"What a sweet punishment indeed! It's a beautiful temptation for repeating this act," he teased her with the truth. The punishment she told was indeed beautiful in his eyes.

"You need to be tied up then virtually under strict observation. Dau, please stay here. I am going to bring breakfast for us," releasing a sigh of disbelief she left.

"Kanha, I am also thinking to get myself wounded," Balram smiled playfully looking at the direction in which Subhadra disappeared.

"She's still upset with us due to our genuine bonding with Devika, Valandhara, Karenumati and Vijaya. She still has the belief that we treat them in the way only she deserve to be treated. She's acting according to the flow," a mixed shade of concern and mischief appeared on Kanha's face.

"Yet it's better than before," Balram concluded winning Kanha's smile.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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