Guess I had a lot to get off my chest.

There was silence for a moment and I grew worried that I shouldn't have said anything at all, drooping my gaze back down.

"Jisung told me he'd been talking to you sometimes in the hallway." He suddenly said while looking downward.

I picked up my head with an intrigued look. Jisung told him?

"... And at first, I was upset that he was even talking to you or paying you any attention. I was so angry at everything that I thought I hated you." My eyes saddened, going back and forth between him and the ground.

"That was until I realized I didn't hate you. I didn't even hate myself, really. I hated how everything happened. How we just walked away after talking it out, how we only lasted two months before having a huge split over something that could've been solved. But most of all, how we both lost the person we sought the most comfort and understanding in."

I could just tell he was getting teary eyed.

"And so, Jisung would tell me nearly everyday, 'talk to him', 'work it out', 'think wisely'." He stated with an exhale while looking up and around, holding back the water in his glossy eyes.

"I knew he was right. Your best friend always knows what's best for you. But I ended up pushing myself away from the situation because I was afraid of-"

He stopped mid sentence and took a deep breath with his eyes closed. As his eyes opened, a tear fell from both eyes. My heart sank.

"I was afraid of facing those feelings; having to rethink about that night and that day. I hated looking weak in front of you, so I avoided just that, but it only made us deal with the pain longer." He cleared his throat to stabilize his voice.

"So I am sorry, Hyunjin. For dragging this on for way longer than it should have. I thought I was healing, but I was only getting worse and I knew it. I regret every second of these past few weeks for not talking to you. I'm sorry." His tears were slowly falling again.

I said nothing but took him into my embrace again. His head was buried in my chest and he held my arm. We sat in silence with a few of his sniffles occasionally being let out.

"I cut all ties with her."

I could sense his attention being grabbed. That was enough for me to continue.

"When I realized all the damage she'd done to me, to us, i couldn't stand the thought of her. I told her to leave my life entirely." I continued.

"You didn't have to do that, Hyun-"

"But I did. I can't be involved with someone who, not only, hurt me a long time ago, but also hurt my relationship drastically. She's dead to me." I explained.

I could tell he was satisfied with that fact. It went quiet again.



"Can we.. start over?"

I pulled him slightly away to look him in the eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean.. i want to maintain a bond with you. I want to talk and laugh with you."

𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘳 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘯' - HyunlixWhere stories live. Discover now