When the hour finally passed most of the kids left and some of the high schoolers stayed.

"Who's that Kameron?" Dennis, one of the volunteers asked as he sat next to me and all the other high schoolers plus Colton.

"This is Colton, we go to the same school." I said as Colton lazily saluted

"Ooh is he your boyfriend???" Carson, one of my students said teasingly moving his eyebrows in an up and down motion

Colton chucked, "She wishes." he smirked

I rolled my eyes, "It's more like you wish."

We went back and forth, arguing about who wished what and eventually both forgetting what we were arguing about in the first place. Eventually, everyone was about to leave and when me and Colton were about the last ones out the door I heard a soft voice say "Um" from behind me. I looked back and saw Joey, a freshmen call out to me,

"Um, Kameron...? Could I talk to you for a second...?" He asked shyly

I nodded and told Colton I'd be right out.

"So what's up?" I asked nicely

"Um...I uhh just want to uhh...." and then he quickly leaned in and pecked my lip awkwardly.

"I-I'm so sorry!!" he stuttered running away in embarrassment

I wasn't angry, just amused and shocked.

Mostly amused.

When I got out I saw Colton giving me a scary smirk/grin you give to your friends when they talk to their crush. Yeah that one.

"Someone likes youuuuuuu" He teased

"Stawpp, it must've taken him a whole lotta courage to do that, let him have his moment" I said

The whole car ride back to my house Colton kept nudging my elbow and giving me that one stupid look.

When we got to my house I was really craving some chips so I had Colton go to the store and buy me every kind they had. I ate a carrot stick as I waited for him to get back. As I munched on my carrot I took a look at my calendar and saw that my first baby appointment would be tomorrow.

"I can't believe I'm actually pregnant..." I muttered to myself

"I can't either." Colton said, startling the living shit out of me.

"Knock next time please, or at least make some fucking form of noise." I said angrily

"Sure thing Peaches."

"Peaches?" I asked

"Peaches." He stated

"Okay then, Wifey." I retorted

"Oh hell nah." he shook his head

"Oh hell yes." I grinned

We just gave eachother pet names....

"Oh I forgot to tell you, I have my first appointment tomorrow, wanna come?" I asked, "You don't have to but you can if you want." I stated

"I'll go."

"Sounds good." I said

We watched movies for a few hours and ate chips. When he left, I showered and got ready for bed. I changed Colton's contact to Wifey and of course I got a text from him right when I went back to his messages page. And not to mention, I keep the "read receipt" on. (AN// only Apple users and some other people would understand :p)

Wifey: Hey there Peaches

before I could text back explaining myself I got another text,

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