Running out of time

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The Kid 💀 : The fck you think you doing ?

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The Kid 💀 : The fck you think you doing ?

Jane rolled her eyes at the text Billy had sent her, before returning her gaze to the windscreen. She was currently in the back of her Jeep alongside Rachel and Kory, while Dawn and Donna were in the front.

A heavy silence occupied most of the space.

Honestly, Jane was clearly not ready for what lay ahead.

She didn't even know why she'd ended up agreeing to Donna's idea. It was one thing to fight with Evan, but quite another to go into the field with this little group of lunatics. Not to mention that she'd always had a deep distaste for all this masked vigilante activity. So why was she doing this?

Shaking her head, she let a faint sigh pass her lips before stowing her phone in the pocket of her leather bomber. Courtesy of Donna.

She looked like a fucking soldier.

The Amazon had lent her cargo pants with a black sleeveless bodysuit and a short leather bomber jacket.

Honestly, all she needed was a banana and she looked like fucking Kim Possible.

And yet, all these thoughts would eventually fade away the moment she remembered why she'd agreed to do all this.

Syd, her best friend.

Gar... Garfield was like her little brother.

And Conner... well, she didn't really know him, but she was convinced he didn't deserve his fate. After all, she knew what it was like to be an experiment for nutcases. She knew how much it could screw up a perfectly constituted mind.

"Look, I don't really know what to expect, but one thing's for sure: it's not going to be pretty."Donna finally intervened, hoping to prepare everyone for what was to come.

"To our friends. This is what to expect." Dawn corrected darkly with a certain acceptance in her voice.

"Maybe they're not our friends anymore." Kory pointed out doubtfully.

Jane bit the inside of her cheek before jumping on the spot as she felt a hand clasp hers before glancing at Rachel at her refusal."I wouldn't hurt Gar. I don't care what he's become. I won't. I can't."

Donna shared a long, fatalistic look with Dawn before glancing at Jane through the rearview mirror as she retorted."If they're going to attack innocent people, we need to be prepared."

Unfortunately, it would appear that Gar was the latest in a long line of worries, as a sudden dull thud echoed through the car before a huge flash of light exploded the windshield.

Jane immediately felt her seatbelt dig into her shoulder blade as she flew forward before suddenly hitting the car seat head-on in a ricochet effect.


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