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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Okay, Syd, hurry up and tell me what you want. I'm a little rushed."

"Well, it's always such a pleasure to have you on the phone, Jane."Syd gasped, panting.

Jane rolled her eyes as she brought her hand up to the earpod in her ear to crank up the volume above the sounds of San Francisco traffic. She weaved easily between passers-by on the sidewalk as she had an idea in her head of where she wanted to go.

She was already late.

However, she was quick to slow the pace reluctantly as she heard sounds of struggle from Sydney's side."Wait, are you in a fight right now?"

"More like in full training. Damn it, Bobby, how much am I gonna have to tell you? Not the fucking face."Sydney grumbled as she continued her sparring session with the former Detroit cop.

"Oh, say Hi to Bobby for me."Jane hailed as she stopped in front of a traveling cart selling coffee on the sidewalk. She waved at the vendor for a macchiato before giving him change as he handed her her drink."Thank you."

Syd's grunts mixed with Bobby's gasp could be heard through the static of their conversation leaving Jane shaking her head in impatience.

"Hey Jane!"

She smirked at the sound of Bobby's struggling voice. 

Sydney was totally beating him up. 

Their little training session lasted a while longer.

However, it wasn't long before Jane reached her limit as she paused with her hand against her earphone, about to hang up."Syd."

"Fine, fine. Time out."She hailed between two gasps before breathing quickly."So about your hot instructor slash passe-partout..."

Jane immediately rolled her eyes knowingly before pinching the bridge of her nose with a sigh."Of course you meant that."

"Well, what else ?"

"There is nothing to say."Jane argued emphatically before quickly changing the conversation."And Alec? How has he been lately?"

Syd took a sip of water letting Jane hear the blonde swallow through her earpiece before she let out a deep exhale."Well, he's still acting like a teenager in a meltdown. He isolates himself. In fact, he reminds me of you."

"Ha. Ha."She commented with a fake amused face."You haven't lost your sense of humor I see."

"You know me so well."

"Hey, it's Jane?"A worried familiar voice comes from the other side of the call."Let me talk to her."

Jane frowned slightly in suspicion at the sound of Alec's voice sounding low. He seemed preoccupied. Therefore, she was concerned.

Let The Devil Out ²Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat