Chronicles of Osas III

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Gather around, gather around, the hostel matron wants to address us all. The hostel student time keeper jingled the bell and went round each dormitory to announce. Every student in the dormitory scurried to the quadrangle to hear what the matron had to say. When everyone gathered, the matron began to address us.

"Good afternoon students", she greeted.

"Good afternoon ma'am", we responded.

As you all know, the holidays are fast approaching and I was instructed by the board of directors of our school to bring to your notice that since y'all will be going home for the long vacation in two weeks you are mandated to come to my office and pick up your exit card in which the numbers will be communicated to your parents. I know this is a new development which might be stressful to you students, but this is the only way the school can ensure your security. Y'all have till Monday to come collect your exit papers. Is that understood?

"Yes ma'am", we chorused

"Any questions", she asked.

Everyone kept mute.

Any questions, she asked once again.


In the event of no question, y'all are dismissed and to return to your respective dormitories.
After the meeting, Osas ran up to me and was nervous.
I already knew what the problem was.
That time of the year is fast approaching, she said and honestly if my stepfather assaults me once more, I might do the extreme.

Shh,shh, my index finger on my lips as I hushed her. You shouldn't be saying that, I told her.

But I'm just stating the obvious she replied frustratingly.

I bit my finger in frustration because I too needed a solution. I thought for a while and the only thing that came to my mind was to go to the school Counsellor.

"Osas", I called.

"Yes", she replied.

Let us go and meet the counsellor. I think they are in the best place to tell us how to go about this.

She shook her head in despair. Let's try the guidance and counselling office. I'm in a fix here and any suggestion would do just fine, she said.

We left for the office as soon as possible.

We arrived the office and met a receptionist and a secretary because I was pretty sure she was working both jobs. The receptionist was a tall slender woman in her mid forties, with short black hair which had traces of wisdom hair, each line on her forehead showing different degree of stress and her eyes accommodating the strong rimmed wired glasses she was putting on.

"Good afternoon girls", how can I help you, she asked.

We came to see the counsellor, I replied.

On what grounds, she asked irritatingly.

The last question together with her facial expression threw me off guard though. And I thought, what could really be the cause of such harsh attitude, what could really be her business.

Ohh, I thought. Definitely it was included in the scope of her job, at the same time it was impossible. I mentally rolled my eyes. I knew she was out to intimidate us and I knew I had to up my confidence game.

We want to know her take on an issue we find really hard to go about. I replied her confidently.

She still insisted on knowing what our issue was.

Confidence game in the mud, I lost even before I started. I mentally shook my head in disbelief and looked at Osas. She was not comfortable with the receptionist, then I knew the only way to get out of her grasp was to lie.

"Ma'am I began solemnly, we want to seek the counsellor concerning our career path".

She looked at us back and forth and replied with a scrunched face. "Is this what you guys can't say?". She hissed and murmured to herself, students and their charade. She hissed at us once more and ushered us to another office which I was sure was the office of the counsellor. Damn, that was crazy.

I wasn't really interested in whatever she did or said after she left us. I was glad that we left her eyes of scrutiny and a step has been made to see the counsellor. There was a worn out sofa at the entrance of the office and we took a seat. In fifteen, we were summoned into the office of solutions.

MEMOIRS OF A YOUNG NIGERIAN GIRL Where stories live. Discover now