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"I MISSED A LOT OF THINGS WHILE I WAS AWAY, you know?" Mikazuki began, her tone quiet as she leaned back to stare at the beautiful morning sun, legs dangling from the edge of the rock wall while her grey haired cascaded down her back. "Argentina was nice, but it wasn't home. At least not at first." The woman smiled, bathing in the golden light while Kenjaku's star remained perched on her figure. "I missed Keisuke, I missed my sisters. Sometimes I even missed my mom. Crazy, I know. I missed the school and everyone in it, I missed the days we'd sit by the gardens sharing our lunch, but, most of all..." Her smile faltered, a hint of vulnerability crossing through her glowing sunset eyes. "I missed you. I missed my best friend."

Kenjaku licked his lips, another wave of emotions washing over him as the disembodied sentiments of his meat suit welled in his chest and drowned everything else in a blanket of complete and utter bewilderment. Suguru's memories were like pieces of a broken puzzle, some of them missing and ripped from the world while others remained mismatched or damaged, yet the picture forming in the man's mind was still clear enough to tug at his heartstrings. For a moment, Kenjaku stopped being the puppeteer, his own body bending to the will of Suguru's tormented ghost.

The man let out a shaky sigh, his own hand coming to rest on the stone wall as it brushed slightly against Mikazuki's. The touch was light and Kenjaku could feel the energy rushing under her skin, the golden pull of Everlasting calling out to his own Cursed Energy before it all disappeared.

"I'm not the one who left." Suguru mumbled, finger jutting out to caress Mikazuki's pale hand. "For what is worth, I missed you, too."

The Kinzoku heiress pulled her lips into a tight line before quickly pushing her hand away, the sudden loss of contact jarring enough to steal Suguru's breath.

"I didn't leave. I was taken away."

Mikazuki closed her eyes, the memories of that day flooding her senses before she was able to pick herself up and close that door inside of her mind. She remembered everything so clearly, from the moment she stepped through the doors of the Kansai Light factory to the moment she was standing under the skylight, her power being ripped away by Léa's cold hands. The sorceress had done her best to keep the memories at bay, but sometimes that wasn't enough. Sooner or later, the memories came back, tainting everything with the bitter reminder of just how utterly alone she was.

"I know. I was there, too." Geto let out with a heavy sigh, his expression a calculated mix between sorrow and regret as he leaned back and basked in the sun as well. "You know, I never thought I'd get to see you dancing again." Kenjaku spoke softly, a spark of Suguru's sentiment sneaking into his speech without his consent, the man's feelings suddenly engulfing him in a sea of longing and despair. "After they took you away, I thought that was it. That I'd never see you again."

Mikazuki straightened her back, surprise settling on her face as she watched the emotion Suguru was currently drowning in. The sorceress hadn't even thought about it, she'd never stopped to even consider the people she left behind, what their lives were like with the huge hole she'd left in her wake. Not that it had ever been her intention. Mikazuki scooted closer to the shaman, slowly interlocking her fingers with his.

"But you did see me again." She spoke in a soft tone, hold tightening around Suguru's slender fingers. "I came back, Suguru. I'm okay"

I'm okay now. She didn't say, the words somehow still echoing in the silent garden. Mikazuki was okay now, but she hadn't been for the longest of times. The sorceress was a survivor and every single day since her exile had been a war, a never-ending fight for survival. Sometimes, Mikazuki wondered how she'd managed to make it. Sometimes, she wished she hadn't.

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