Big sister is an Air Head (Final Part)

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After a bit of back and forth between the amazons, the other's left to look for other men leaving only Aisha and Lena with Bete and Bell.

Bete: Listen up, the rabbit's out of commission so Im bringing him home so you better move it!

Aisha: And waste this opportunity the gods have blessed us.

Lena: Silly Bete Loga! Of course we wont let you guys go~

As the two amazons made their intentions clear, only one thing came to Bete's mind.

Bete: *Damnit!*

Meanwhile in another part of Orario Aiz, Tiona, Tione, and Lefiya can be seen running in the streets of Orario. With their first class speed, excluding a level 4 Lefiya, they made their way towards the Bar where they were told Bell and Bete were currently at. With the speed they were going at, they left behind a gust of wind disturbing and confusing everyone in their way.

Some interesting people were also caught up in the Loki Familia's way such as the captain of the Hermes Familia.

Asfi: Interesting, the sword princess and her companions seems to be in a hurry, I presume it has something to do with their white rabbit.

Another person who saw the group was the healer of the Dian Cecht Familia, Amid Teasanare.

Amid: *sighs* It seems the Loki Familia are up to something again, I best prepare a room. Knowing them they will be with some injuries again.

While passing through countless people in the streets, the group of the Loki Familia were also having their own conversations.

Aiz: Are we almost there yet?!

Tione: Almost! It won't be long before we make it there.

Aiz: Mhm. Is it really true that white haired boys will disappear if they drink in that bar?

Not knowing the real danger Bell was in, Aiz believed the rumor that Tione fabricated.

Tione who was beside Aiz stuttered for a bit before answering.

Tione: Y-Yeah! I heard it from people who always visit that place. No white haired boys ever come out when they enter!

Aiz: Mhm. We should hurry, my brother might disappear if we don't make it in time!

Tione: Y-Yeah.......

Tiona who was at the back supporting the slower Lefiya smiled at her sister's plight. And wanting to enjoy the situation even more, she smiled and said to Aiz.

Tiona: Hey Aiz!

Aiz: Hm?

Tiona: I heard that the reason boys like Argonaut-kun are never seen leaving that bar is because they get eaten in there.

Aiz: E-E-E-Eaten?!!!

Tione looked back to her sister not saying anything. But her eyes told Tiona everything she needed to know.

Tione: *Why are you making this worse?*

Tiona: *Because it's fun ehe~*

Aiz who was oblivious to the exchange the sister's did with their eyes looked back to Tiona and asked.

Aiz: W-W-What do you mean!!? Is there a monster in that bar?!! I-If there is Im going to kill it!!

Tiona: Who knows.......I only heard it from other people.

Aiz was growing even more uneasy, first the rumor Tione told her about white haired men disappearing in the Bar Bell went to with Bete. And now she was told it might be because of a monster who has a thing for white haired boys.

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