Chapter 2

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After finishing taking care of his husband and preparing the horse for him to leave, Jin returned to the castle, his job was only to serve the prince and when the prince was not in the castle it was time to rest.

Jin was sitting in the rose garden which was in the backyard of the castle. The garden is a garden made by the King for his wife before the Queen died.

"What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about your husband?" Jimin said, he walked over to Jin and sat beside him.

"No, I'm thinking about my family, I can't leave the castle because they will attack me, they hate me and call me a gold digger," Jin said.

"Oh come on Jin, I know you're not like that, they're just jealous because they're not in your position," Jimin said and Jin just sighed.

"Where did the prince go? Did he go to the Sun kingdom again?" Jimin said and Jin just nodded.

"And you let him go?" Jimin said.

"Can I stop it? I'm just a servant, and—"

"And his husband, Jin, if you don't show who you are, you won't be seen," Jimin said.

"Jimin, I tried, I swear, every time I helped him get dressed, prepared hot water for him to take a bath, I tried but he didn't touch me at all, his first and probably last kiss was during our wedding, that's it," Jin said.

"This is crazy, I don't know how to be you Jin, you're great to be able to survive with someone who never saw your presence," Jimin said.

"To be honest, I'm tired, Jimin, I always get evil looks from others and it makes me tired, know, I love him, and I promised the King to take care of him," Jin said.

Jin had just finished taking a shower when Hoseok banged on his bedroom door. Making Jin surprised and he came out of his room.

"Oh, what's wrong?" Jin said.

"The prince is back, meet him," Hoseok said coldly before leaving Jin.

"Oh yeah, thank you," Jin rushed away, he tidied his clothes before leaving the castle and saw his horse coming, he helped Jungkook to get off the horse.

"I want to take a bath, prepare hot water," Jungkook said.

"Yes your Highness," Jin said, he took the Prince's horse to his stable and back inside the castle, but Soobin stopped him.

"Jin, wait," Soobin said.

"Oh yeah, what's wrong?" Jin said.

"Are you all right?" Soobin said.

"Yes, of course, why?" Jin said.

"Oh I didn't see you today, I thought you were sick," Soobin said.

"No, I'm fine, I have to prepare hot water for the prince, I'll go first," Jin said and Soobin pulled Jin's hand.

"Jin," Soobin said.

"Hmm?" Jin said.

"I'll prepare dinner for you," Soobin said.

"Oh no it's okay, I can make it myself," Jin said.

"No, you have served the prince and no one is serving you," Soobin said, he let go of Jin's hand and told him to leave.

Jin also ran to the Prince's room and knocked on his door before the Prince asked him to enter.

Jin watched Jungkook undress as Jin walked into the bathroom, knelt in the tub, and turned on the faucet. Then he heard the Prince enter the bathroom and Jin stood up, turned to look at him.

How shocked Jin was to see something on the Prince's chest at that time, he held back his tears and tried not to think about anything.

"What?" The prince said and Jin's eyes that were originally looking at Jungkook's chest now turned to his eyes.

"Nothing," Jin lowered his head and took a deep breath.

"Help me clean my back," Prince said.

"Yes, Your Highness," Jin said.

After the water was ready, the Prince went into the tub, Jin held a sponge and rubbed it slowly on the Prince's back.

"Your Highness," Jin said.

"What?" Prince said.

"You never touched me, and-"

"You know the reason," the Prince said.

"Yes but, I'm your husband, don't you want to touch me?" Jin said.

"So, what do you want? I touch you without love? That's what you want?" Prince said.

Jin worked up the courage to do something he never did, his hand touched Jungkook's back and slowly stroked his shoulder gently, trying to get down in front of his chest but Jungkook held him back.

"Stop," the Prince said.

"You only kissed me once and—"

"What do you want?" The prince said as he turned to Jin.

"I want you to touch me like you touched her," Jin said with tears running down his cheeks and the prince just lowered his head.

"Sleep in my room tonight." The Prince said coldly and let go of Jin's hand before turning his head away.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness," Jin couldn't help himself and he decided to leave the bathroom and went back to his room with tears on his cheeks.

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