"Where's the, er . . . unsub? What does that mean by the way? Sounds very BDSM."

Jungkook smiles briefly as he eases the car out of the lot and back onto Stewart Street.

"It stands for Unknown Subject. Ryan is ex-FBI."


"Don't ask." Jungkook shakes his head. It's obvious he's deep in contemplation.

"Well, where is this female unsub?"

"On the I-5, heading south." He glances at me, his eyes grim. Jeez - from passionate to calm to anxious in the space of a few moments. I reach over and caress his thigh, running my fingers leisurely up the inside seam of his jeans, hoping to improve his mood. He takes his hand off the steering wheel and stops the slow ascent of my hand.

"No," he says. "We've made it this far. You don't want me to have an accident three blocks from home." He raises my hand to his lips and plants a cool kiss on my index finger to take the sting out of his rebuke. Cool, calm, authoritative . . . My Fifty. And for the first time in a while he makes me feel like a wayward child. I withdraw my hand and sit quietly for a moment.


"Apparently so." He sighs, turns into the underground garage at Escala, and punches the access code into the security keypad. The gate swings open and he drives on, smoothly parking the R8 in its designated space.

"I really like this car," I murmur.

"Me too. And I like how you handled it - and how you managed not to break it."

"You can buy me one for my birthday," I smirk at him. Jungkook's mouth drops open as I climb out of the car.

"A white one, I think," I add, leaning down and smirking at him. He smiles. "Lalisa Jeon, you never cease to amaze me."

I shut the door and walk to the end of the car to wait for him. Gracefully he climbs out, watching me with that look . . . that look that calls to something deep inside me. I know this look well. Once he's in front of me, he leans down and whispers, "You like the car. I like the car. I've fucked you in it . . . perhaps I should fuck you on it."

I gasp. And a sleek silver BMW pulls into the garage. Jungkook glances at it anxiously, then with annoyance and smirks down at me.

"But it looks like we have company. Come." He grabs my hand and heads for the garage elevator. He pushes the call button and as we wait, the driver of the BMW joins us. He's young, casually dressed, with long, layered, dark hair. He looks like he works in the media.

"Hi," he says, smiling warmly at us.

Jungkook puts his arm around me and nods politely.

"I've just moved in. Apartment sixteen."

"Hello." I return his smile. He has kind, soft brown eyes. The elevator arrives and we all walk in. Jungkook glances down at me, his expression unreadable.

"You're Jeon Jungkook," the young man says.

Jungkook gives him a tight smile.

"Paul Harrison." He holds out his hand. Reluctantly, Jungkook takes it. "Which floor?" Paul asks.

"I have to input a code."



"Oh." Paul smiles broadly. "Of course." He presses the button for the eighth floor and the doors close. "Mrs. Jeon, I presume."

"Yes." I give him a polite smile and we shake hands. Paul flushes a little as he gazes at me a fraction too long. Oh no. I mirror his flush and Jungkook's arm tightens around me.

"When did you move in?" I ask.

"Last weekend. I love the place."

There's an awkward pause before the elevator stops at Paul's floor.

"Great to meet you both," he says sounding relieved and steps out. The doors close silently behind him. Jungkook taps in the entry code and the elevator ascends again.

"He seemed nice," I murmur. "I've never met any of the neighbors before."

Jungkook scowls. "I prefer it that way."

"That's because you're a hermit. I thought he was pleasant enough."

"A hermit?"

"Hermit. Stuck in your ivory tower," I state matter-of-factly. Jungkook's lips twitch with amusement.

"Our ivory tower. And I think you have another name to add to the list of your admirers, Mrs. Jeon."

I roll my eyes. "Jungkook, you think everyone is an admirer."

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

My pulse quickens. "I sure did," I whisper, my breath catching in my throat.

He cocks his head to one side, wearing his smoldering, arrogant, amused expression. "What shall we do about that?"

"Something rough."

He blinks to hide his surprise. "Rough?"


"You want more?"

I nod slowly. The doors to the elevator open and we're home.

"How rough?" he breathes, his eyes darkening.

I gaze at him, saying nothing. He closes his eyes for a moment, and then grabs my hand and hauls me into the foyer.

When we burst through the double doors, Sawyer is standing in the hallway, looking expectantly at the two of us.

"Sawyer, I'd like to be debriefed in an hour," Jungkook says.

"Yes, sir." Turning, Sawyer heads back into Taylor's office. We have an hour!

Jungkook glances down at me. "Rough?"

I nod.

"Well, Mrs. Jeon, you're in luck. I'm taking requests today."


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