Part I

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''It was finally here..''

The first day of senior year had arrived, marking the end of my summer break and signalling the last time I would wake up as a high school student. As I opened my eyes that morning, a whirlwind of thoughts flooded my mind. What should I wear on this momentous day? How would my classes be different from previous years? Where there any familiar faces that hadn't changed since the last time I saw them? These questions echoed in my head, creating a constant stream of anticipation and curiosity throughout the morning.

Upon reaching a state of relaxation and preparing myself, a strong sensation of anxiety engulfed me. The realisation hit me suddenly, like a flash of lightning, that I am a senior in high school. Uncertainty loomed over me as I pondered my future. This marks the culmination of my final year, my last chance to revel in the joys of childhood before embarking on the journey of adulthood. In an effort to quell my nerves, I took a deep breath, only to be interrupted by the blaring alarm, serving as a reminder of the day that awaits. With a swift motion, I leapt out of bed and shed my pink pyjamas as I made my way to the bathroom.

I step into the shower cabin, eagerly welcoming the rush of hot water cascading over me. The gentle touch of the water caresses my hair and envelops every inch of my body, tempting me to lose track of time in this blissful rain shower. However, I remind myself to keep it brief and resist the temptation, I'm already late, might as well take a longer than five minutes shower.

As I reach for my vanilla and cinnamon shower gel, the mere act of unscrewing the cap unleashes a captivating aroma that transports me to another world. The scent fills the air, instantly captivating my senses. In that moment, my body, which had been tense until now, surrenders to a state of complete relaxation.

The rich lather of the shower gel glides effortlessly over my skin, creating a soothing sensation that washes away the stresses of the day. The combination of vanilla and cinnamon creates a harmonious blend, comforting both my body and mind.

As the water continues to flow, I revel in the tranquility of the shower. Every drop of water that touches my skin feels like a gentle massage, easing away any lingering tension. The warmth envelops me, providing solace and a momentary escape from the outside world.

With each passing minute, I savour the therapeutic effects of this shower. The hot water revitalise my senses, awakening a renewed energy within me. The aroma of the shower gel lingers, leaving a subtle fragrance that lulls me into a state of calmness.

Reluctantly, I finally step out of the shower, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. The water droplets glisten on my skin as I wrap myself in a soft towel, thankful for the moments of bliss that the shower provided.

My hand instinctively grabs the soft fabric of my towel, and I begin to dry my body. As I go through the motions, my mind starts to wander towards the task of choosing an outfit for the day ahead, it's a very important day for a seventeen year old in her senior year.

However, before fully immersing myself in thoughts of fashion, I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. Pausing for a moment, I take the opportunity to examine myself. To my surprise, there are noticeable differences from last year. Over the summer, I committed myself to a running routine, and the effects are starting to show. As I observe my reflection, I can see that my body looks slightly different, more toned and fit. The dedication and effort I put into my running regime have paid kind of paid off.

It's a gratifying feeling to witness the physical changes resulting from my commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

With this newfound confidence that my body gives me  , I step away from the mirror and continue with my morning preparations. As I choose my outfit, I can't help but feel a sense of pride in the positive changes I have made. The journey of self-improvement continues, and I am excited to see what lies ahead. , I have away struggled with weigh gain and my love for food my entire life, I just loved eating good food,
but over the summer I finally decided I will start taking care of my body and change - I wonder it anyone can will be able to tell the difference - this year everything will be different,I can feel it in my bones; coming back into the present while looking in the mirror I see the almost the same girl, petite, curvy, it wasn't like I ate terribly and I did exercise, walking, biking my body was just bigger than most girls and I have to learn and accept that , but while I was not happy about my porcelain coloured body , my cat like face and hair where a different story , my eyebrows where arched and dark courtesy of the weekly saloon appointment that my mom makes me go to ,followed by emerald green eyes that can only be described as curious, passionate, and generally positive and happy, a dainty nose and a pair of full glossy lips.My face was surrounded by long, messy wavy hair as I don't categories into curly or straight haired girls, its like it has a life of its own, long strawberry blonde hair.

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