Lara tsked and put the phone back in her pocket to quickly wrap up her work for the day. She mopped the rest of the floors and disposed of the water.

She was in the changing room in record time. She kept track of the time on her watch as she changed out of her uniforms and into her clothes.

She wanted to meet up with the time she had promised she would be at Kyle's, and if she wouldn't be able to meet up with the time, it wouldn't be an hour later than it was.

Kyle loved chocolates and cookies, so she mentally noted to stop by the sweetshop after her leave for the day from work was permitted by her boss.

How time flew!

She pressed a hand to her forehead and sloped her head down her neck in exhaustion as she realized how long she had worked within the day.

The day had turned into night; the initial glow of the sky was eclipsed by dark gray clouds.

She walked down to the road. She flagged down a taxi immediately and gave the taxi driver the address she was heading to, then settled in for the ride as the car moved.

She felt a tap on her knee and jolted awake, startled.

"Jeez!" A shiver racked through her body as she became aware of her surroundings.

She slapped her palm to her forehead, stifled an hiss through her lips, and mentally shook her head at herself for getting paranoid over nothing.

"You seem to be in need of a long and good night's rest," the taxi driver pointed out as he took the car fare from her.

She couldn't argue any less.

She shook her head with a fatigued sigh, twitched her eyebrows in agreement with what he said, and alighted from the taxi while suppressing a yawn at the back of her throat.

Her body ached to be laid on something soft and comfy. Her eyes begged to revel in the reprieve they had been denied earlier.

She should just turn back and get that much-needed rest. Her legs itched to change directions. However...


Her fingers moved reflexively, against her genuine will, to her dismay.

The door was pulled open in a twinkle of an eye, a giddy Kyle beaming with surprise and thrill upon seeing her.

"You made it!" She squealed excitedly, leaped at her, and threw her arms around Lara's neck.

Lara flattened her lips and twitched her nose reflexively, her arms out to brace the impact as Kyle leaped at her.

She winced and moved back a step at the collusion—exhaustion and fatigue bore down heavily on her.

Finally, she settled into the hug and managed a smile as she hugged her best friend back.

"And I come bearing gifts," Lara said, raising the bags of goodies she had bought from the sweetshop.

Kyle pulled back with a smirk on her face. "Of course you will, Santa Lara."

Both girls laughed.

"Manners!" She planted a finger lightly on her lower lip with a disapproving frown. "Come in quick." She ushered her in and took the bag from her.

Lara blew out a satisfied exhale as she walked into the house. Kyle caught up with her pace after she had locked the door.

"You look worse for wear. I shouldn't have asked you to come. I'm a bad girl."

Lara turned to look at her briefly with a pout. "You're just figuring that out now?" She hissed out a tsk, a smile cupping one side of her cheek.

Kyle threw an arm playfully around her shoulders with a bounce and leaned her head against her shoulder. "And that's why you love me."

The Playboy's Crush By Deborah A. OlaleyeWhere stories live. Discover now