Alya: Actually... I already uploaded a video.

Alix: The mystery of the Miraculous. It's beyond awesome!

Marinette: For sure it is... right? Amazing! I'm sure Ladybug will be super excited about it. And so will Hawk Moth... I gotta go. I forgot I had, uh... homework! Catch you later!

Scene: Fu's massage shop. Marinette shows Master Fu the Ladyblog video

Alya: It's like some kind of secret society emblem. As if a kind of Order of the Guardians has been watching over the superheroes since the beginning of time.

Marinette: It's my fault, Master. I'm sorry. I never should have entrusted her with the Miraculous.

Master Fu: Alya is an excellent journalist. Sooner or later, she would have unveiled this secret kept under wraps for centuries. But don't worry. None of it can lead Hawk Moth to us.

Alya: This statue that arrived at the Louvre earlier this week.

Master Fu: Impossible! That's impossible! We are doomed!

Marinette: Because of a statue? But just a second ago you were saying-

Master Fu: That's not a statue, Marinette. It's a sentimonster! A magical creature conjured from a emotion shaped by the power of the Peacock!

Marinette: But, Master, Cat Noir, The Rangers and I have already defeated sentimonsters created by Mayura.

Master Fu: Yes, but... None of them came close to the power of this one. It was born from a negative emotion of a young man who had no idea what he was creating. Remember when I told you I made a terrible mistake? For you to understand, I must tell you the entire story. (as Master Fu explains, a montage of what happened is shown) I was younger than you when I was chosen to be a guardian. My parents told me that it was a great honor. That I couldn't turn it down. So they took me to the temple. I wasn't very happy there. I would have preferred to live with my parents and be with other children my age. I didn't want to be a guardian of anything. One of the test to become a guardian required me to watch over a Miracle Box. For a full twenty-four hours without any food. All I had for support was my apprentice's staff. Soon I was hungry. With each passing hour I became hungrier. And it was all because of the Miraculous. Because I had to watch over them. I couldn't take it any longer. So I took the Peacock Miraculous and used its power. All I wanted was a nice little companion I could sent to the kitchen to fetch me some rice balls. But the Miraculous must never be used for the wrong reasons. The anger I was feeling mingled with my intense hunger. And I created a sentimonster that was very different from the one I had envisioned. A ravenous sentimonster out to devour everything, but specifically the Miraculous, since they were the bane of my life at that very moment. In my panic I lost my staff. The very object that would have enabled me to control it. I was just a young boy. I was so afraid I didn't even think of destroying it by simply using the Peacock Miraculous. I tried to erase all traces of the foolish thing that I had done. A monk told me to run away with the grimoire he managed to save, and the Miraculous Box. The very last Miraculous Box. That's when I realized my sentimonster had devoured all the other Miraculous Boxes that were kept in the temple. And when the monks tried to stop it-the temple, the Order of the Guardians, everything... it was destroyed. I tried to run away from the sentimonster. But by doing so, I lost the grimoire and both the Butterfly and the Peacock Miraculous. I thought the sentimonster had disappeared forever. (montage ends) As soon as Hawk Moth finds out about it, he'll be able to use the power of the Peacock to bring it back to life.

Marinette: Master, if that happens, Cat Noir, The Rangers and I will be there.

Master Fu: But you won't stand a chance! He's totally immune to the powers of the Miraculous! And please stop calling me Master. I have never been a guardian to begin with. I will not make another mistake! You and Cat Noir will give me your Miraculous back and I'll leave Paris with the Miracle Box, since that's what the monster is after. They will come after me, sparing the city and its inhabitants.

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