1-18:The Pupeteer

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Scene: Zane/Marinette's room. Marinette and Manon are playing with Marinette's Ladybug and Cat Noir dolls. Zane is in fact giving Ziggy a bath.

Marinette: (Puppet Cat Noir) Here I am, m'lady!

Marinette: (Puppet Ladybug) Glad to see you, Cat Noir!

Marinette: (Puppet Cat Noir) Of course you are! I'm the cat's meow! (she meows and then giggles)

Manon: He shouldn't say that!

Marinette: No?

Manon frowns and shakes her head.

Marinette: (Puppet Ladybug) This is no time to be goofing around, Cat Noir! We gotta capture the baddies' akumas before they- (Pauses and looks at Manon) Actually, what do the baddies want?

Manon: Uh....we wanna win!

Marinette: Yeah, but win what?

Manon: I don't know. What do they usually want?

Marinette: Depends. Lady Wifi wanted to reveal The Red Ranger and Ladybug's true identity and Evillustrator wanted to get revenge on a girl for making fun of him! Then there was Rogercop. But the evil Hawk Moth, who makes them bad, wants to take Ladybug's and Cat Noir's jewels from them! Their Miraculouses!

Manon: And what would happen if he did get them?

Marinette: The bad guys... would win!

Manon: I know! I know what the bad guys want! We want the Miraculous! Then we'll win! Forever and ever! I'm gonna get your Miraculous, Ladybug and Cat Noir! You-you goody two-shoeses! You'll be super-duper sorry!

Marinette: You won't get our Miraculouses!

Manon: Oh yeah?

The dolls fight, and Marinette's dolls win.

Marinette: Yay! Ladybug and Cat Noir have won again!

Manon: No fair!! You always win!! (starts crying)

Zane: Manon shut up!

Marinette: Ladybug and Cat Noir always win, and the bad guys always lose. The red ranger is there too but we have to ask Zane for it.

Manon: But you never let me play with Ladybug and Cat Noir!

Marinette: Oh, don't cry! Of course you can play with Ladybug and Cat Noir! I'll even let you borrow one of them if you want.

Nadja comes up on the stairs.

Nadja: I'm back, Manon. Have you been a good girl?

Manon: Mommy!! Marinette didn't let me win!! (Manon hugs her mother and cries even more.) She didn't play fair and square!!

Nadja: Oh, Manon, you can't always expect to win!

Manon: Yes, I can! Ladybug, The Red Ranger and Cat Noir always win!

Nadja: Well, you're right there! But they're superheroes!

Marinette: You'll win next time, Manon!

Nadja: Alright, now give the doll back to Marinette.

Manon: NO! I wanna keep it!

Marinette: She can if she wants. I told her she could borrow it.

Nadja: And that's sweet of you, Marinette, but Manon already has so many toys at home, I wouldn't even know where to put it.

I mean it's a doll she can just sleep with it.

Manon: NO! (Ladybug doll's arm breaks off.) Huh?

Nadja: Look what you've done, Manon! Give it to me. I'm sorry, Marinette.

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