FIFTEEN. half of me has disappeared

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OLIVIA AND Jeremiah made their way back to the house in silence

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OLIVIA AND Jeremiah made their way back to the house in silence. Neither of them speak as they entered the house where they saw the others cleaning and decided to help out.

Jeremiah gave Olivia's arm a soft squeeze before handing her a trash bag and cleaning up around the place.

Conrad slowly made his way over, grabbing trash as he approached her, "Hey, you okay?"

She looked over her shoulder before nodding, "Yeah... I'm fine. I will be fine, I guess. I'm going to have to talk to him while he's here."

"You don't have to do that, Liv."

Conrad watched as Olivia continued to pick up trash before standing to her feet and turning to face him.

"I'll be all right, Conrad."

She gave him a reassuring smile, grabbing his hand and giving it a soft squeeze and leaving him alone to tie of the trash bag and grabbing another.

He sighed, watching her leave the room, flexing his hand slightly at the lost of her touch.

Soon, Laurel and Jessie entered the kitchen, Belly following behind slowly.

The group turned as Laurel cleared her throat, "I owe you all an apology. You guys have been there for each other and I haven't and I'm deeply sorry for that." Laurel said.

"We've all made mistakes, Mom." Belly muttered.

"Well, my biggest one is trusting that Beck and Julia had come to an agreement about the beach house before she passed." She continued, "It's probably too late to change things, but I'd like to try. I'll talk to Julia, see if I can't change her mind."

Jessie nodded, resting her hand on Laurel's shoulder, "Harry... has agreed to talk to your father when he gets here. Not only is he man and that tends to be to only want to speak to your father, but he's a lawyer, highest at his firm, he will be willing to work with your father on negotiations and getting him to hopefully pulled down the price with Julia."

"Before my mom gets here though, we should probably try and make this place look less... shitty." Skye smiled.

With that, the group continued their cleaning until Taylor and Melody decided that it would be best to head out, finding this to become more and more of a family issue.

✓ glimpse of us ミ the summer i turned pretty [COMPLETED UNTIL SEASON 3]Where stories live. Discover now