Chapter 9

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Philza opened the door it was Eve? Why was she here? "Who are you?" Philza said sternly. "Oh, um sorry to intrude I just wanted to see Y/n again," Eve said. Philza's eyebrow rose. And I perked up saying "I know her!" Philza turned around and nodded. "Hi, Y/n!" Eve said. I smiled and waved. She waved back and smiled back. Philza lead her in. And she came over to me. "Why are you here?" I asked. "I was wondering if I could show you something," she said. She wanted to show me something. I wonder what it was. "So, you want to come with me?" she said. "Sure, but I may slow us down with my crutches..." I speak. She shrugs and says, "I can give you a piggyback ride" I look at her and say "I am too heavy." Eve looked at me and said, "Are you doubting my strength?" she said jokingly. I laugh and shake my head no. Philza stared at us both and smiled. I shrug and say worth a try I guess. She kneels down so we can try this piggyback. I climbed on top of her and she grabbed my legs. Standing back up. I hugged afraid she would drop me. She held me easily. "What about my crutches..?" I say. Philza says "You guys can come back I will be here all day" I nod and Eve nods as well. 

We left Philza's on our way to where Eve wanted to show me. "Hey um, can you keep me out of sight of people?" I ask. "Why are you some sort of criminal?" She asks. I giggle and say "Um no you don't even want to know..." she laughs. "Are there people who you don't want to see?" she asks? "Yea... I found out what they were going to do, and they broke my trust..." I speak. "Oh, my I know how painful it is to be betrayed," Eve says in a saddened tone. "How did you break your leg?" she asks. She seemed like a person to ask questions. "Well, I guess I can tell you..." I speak. I think I can trust her.

After explaining all that she stops. "Oh, my I am so sorry you little sunflower." She says apologetically. "No don't apologize you had nothing to do with it," I say. She called me a little sunflower I actually really liked that nickname." As we continued on our little adventure. Then she said, "Close your eyes it is a surprise!" I listened and closed my eyes. Then she started walking again. After a few turns and stuff. She stopped and said "Ok when I say open your eyes you open them" I nod. and "1...2...3 open!" she said. I opened my eyes and saw. We were in a field of flowers. It was so beautiful, and the clouds and sun made it ten times better. "So what do you think," she says. I was stunned and said, "I-it is beautiful." She then brought us to the middle of the flower field. She set me down. And she sat across from me. I crisscrossed my legs and looked around. She smiled at me and giggled. "It think you like it," she says with a cheerful tone. I nodded quickly. She then grabbed some flowers and started weaving them. She made a flower crown. And she crawled over to me putting it on my head. I smiled brightly. And blushed she giggled and I did as well. I decided to make a crown for her too. I got some flowers and weaved them together. I crawled over to her and tried getting it on her head but ended up. Falling on top of her making her fall. With me on top of her. I blushed "Sorry," I say. She smiled and pats my head. I put the flower crown on her head. 

We were there for an hour. Just enjoying it she made me really happy. Am I growing feelings? I shake my head. And she says "What's wrong?" I look at her and say "I just think your eyes are pretty" complimenting her and it was true her hazel eyes fit her. She looked like she blushed. "Thank you I think your eyes are beautiful they actually remind me of the flowers here." I smile she is very kind. her hair fit her as well. Short brown hair that just reached her chin. She looked like a very happy person. I lay down in the flowers looking at the sky. She lay down next to me. We started to name out the shapes of the clouds.

After about 30 minutes. I heard a shout of my name. I looked over to where it was. Tubbo... Oh no... "Y/n!? There you are!" He shouted running towards me. Ranboo is right behind him. I looked to Eve and shook my head no. Signaling that I did not want them to take me. She looked at me and furrowed her eyebrows. Tubbo finally made it over. Who looked to Eve and glared at her. Ranboo doing the same. "Who are you?" I heard the hatred in his voice. "Oh... I am Eve" she said. Tubbo seemed skeptical and went back to me. "Where have you been you disappeared," he said. I looked at him and said, "I umm..." I did not want him to know that I knew what he and Ranboo were talking about. Ranboo looked at me skeptically as Tubbo did. I looked at Eve worry was in my eyes. "Know what you will tell us back at home," Tubbo said he was angered. "I-I don" I try to say but Ranboo interrupts me. "No buts, where are your crutches?" I look to the floor. I could not do anything due to my broken leg. Eve tried to intervene. "We don't want to hear you," Tubbo said. Even went quiet she had worry in her eyes for me. I sighed "My crutches are at Philzas..." I say quietly. "Ok, we will get them later. But now we leave." Tubbo says. Tubbo went to my side and picked me up. I looked at Eve sadly. She looked back at me and mouthed. 'Do not worry' I had a questionable look on my face. But went with it. Then Tubbo started walking with me. So did Ranboo we left Eve.

We made it back to their house. I was now stuck here. They walked inside Tubbo brought me to the couch. He put me down and stared at me. I was sad that I left Eve. And worried cause of how they said they would keep me here. He stared at me and I looked up to him. "Why did you leave?" he said. I gulped and said, "I did not know I had to inform you." "... you do when there are people who want to harm you." He said anger in his voice. I looked down at the floor. He looked at me and said "You know don't you" My eyes widen. I look up at him and see Ranboo right next to him. "That is why you ran you heard me and Ranboo's conversation." I looked at them both terrified. They both stared at me. "That is why you got sick you got overwhelmed," Ranboo said. My breathing got heavier. I am screwed. "That is why you ran. You got scared..." Tubbo said. He kneeled down Infront of me. "We don't want to harm you Y/n we really care about you." Ranboo nodded in agreement. "We just don't want people around you... They will end up hurting you and we will not allow that. So, we came to that decision." Tubbo tried to explain. "You can't keep me here that is not right," I say. "Oh, Little bee that is where you are wrong... We can keep you here." Tubbo says this in a way that made me feel like I had zero control over myself. "Maybe we do not need your crutches," Ranboo says Tubbo looks back up to Ranboo and nods. I looked at them both devastated.

"We won't need to restrain you due to your leg. Well until it heals. Well by then we would have already convinced you to trust us on this." Tubbo and Ranboo say in sync. "This is not right you can't do this to me," I say trying to reason with them. "We have to. It is the only way to keep you safe and away from people. You will soon understand" Tubbo says trying to reason with me now. Ranboo looking at me with the reasoning look as well. I breathe out how could they do this? I trusted them and now they became just like the Dream team... "Please..." I say sadness radiating in my voice. Tubbo looks at me and smiles. He moves my hair out of my face and pats my head. "This is the only way," he says. The nighttime rolled around. Tubbo looked outside the window and back at me. "Let's get you to bed it is getting late little bee," Tubbo says I then heard a little patting of feet. Micheal came running out and came to hug me. I was still devastated but still hugged him back. I sniffled I was on the verge of tears. Tubbo looked at me and wiped my tears. "Shh it is ok," he says trying to comfort me. Ranboo comes over and kneels down to my height he pats my head. It would have been so much better if they were not forcing me to live here. "Hm, what about I read a story to you both," Ranboo says and Tubbo nods. Tubbo got on the couch dragging me into a hug. Micheal resting on my lap. Ranboo grabbed a book and sat right next to me. He started reading the book. 

After a while, all three of them fell asleep. I was still awake. I was on Tubbo's chest, and he was hugging me. Ranboo hugging my side. Micheal is on my lap. I was stuck even if I got free from their holds. I had a broken leg which would not help me at all. It was late and I was tired as well. I felt Tubbo playing with my hair in his sleep. Ranboo full-on bear hugging my waist. Micheal sleeping like an angel. And then there was me stuck in the middle. Even if I did go to sleep, I would not get to see Abe. Well, that is what I think. He told me most of the people here are obsessed with me. But me a simple human? Not anything else? He said they had a desire for something he never knew of. And he never wanted to know due to finding out how deadly it would turn out. But when he sent me, he found out I was the desire. Me? out of everything and everyone me? The only way I could get back was to what I did to get here. And that was kill myself. Maybe there is another way? Maybe Abe had another way for me to get back? I need to find out because I don't want to go through that again. Hearing my brothers screaming and crying already traumatized me enough. And the horror on my parent's faces was enough too. I then felt Ranboo hug me tighter. Micheal looked so cute. I missed Eve she mouthed don't worry about me though. What did she mean? But anyways now I need to find a way out of here now. Because I have no crutches and I need to find a way back to my world without killing myself... and I really do not want that. I looked up at the ceiling and breathed in and out. I closed my eyes. For now, I do need sleep though. I felt darkness creep up on me. And I felt my consciences slip away from me. And then I was asleep. 

(Author) Tbh I did not know who would be at Philzas door. I legit got a spinning wheel and put possible people that could be there. LOL, I might use the spinning wheel more often you know. BTW I was watching Markiplier while writing this lol- 

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