Chapter 7

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(Y/n's Pov) 

Me and Tubbo were off to Tommy and Wilbur's. I was slowing him down due to my broken leg, but he didn't care. We talked while walking. Tubbo made me really happy. And Tubbo seemed extremely happy with me. We were walking for quite a while. Until we finally saw Tommy and Wilbur's house. We marched right up to it. And we knocked on the door. Tommy answered and looked at Tubbo and his eyes widened when he saw me, he smiled wildly. He then saw me leaning over and looked down and saw my leg. His eyes widened in shock "Woman what happened!?" He spoke. I looked down at my leg and back up to him. "Oh... long story," I speak. I was not going to explain to anyone what happened. He seemed worried for me. And Wilbur came out. He seemed happy to see me and then he saw my leg. "Who. hurt. you." He said he seemed angered. I froze there. "Long story," I say. I swear if another person asks what happened I will shove the crutches up their ass. Wilbur seemed like anger was all he felt. I sighed and smiled. "It is alright I am alright," I say patting Wilbur's shoulder. He looked away. Why was he hiding his face? 

(Wilbur's Pov)

She made me blush a deep red. I looked away and Tommy noticed. And he snickered. Tommy quickly brought Y/n in. Leaving Tubbo. Tubbo seemed angered by it. But he walked in. I followed. And Y/n was sat down on the couch. Tommy began hugging them to death. And Tubbo was left to sit by himself. I instantly shoved Tubbo away. From them sitting next to Y/n. I could feel the anger radio off of him. I smiled at Y/n, and she smiled back. Tommy was hugging Y/n to death. I looked to my right. Tubbo was eyeing both of us. He was going to be a defendant obstacle for me and Tommy. I saw Y/N's leg. I needed to find out who harmed my darling. I sighed and tried to do the old trick. I yawned and stretched out my arms putting them around her shoulder. She flinched a little. And it shocked me why would she need to flinch? She then went back to Tommy. I watched her intently. Tommy was blabbering off to her. I kept feeling Tubbo's stare. He needed to be put in his place. I looked at him with the same glare he was giving me. 

(Y/n's Pov) 

Tommy was hugging me to death. Wilbur had his arm around me. Tubbo was staring. What in the world was going on? Why are they acting so weird? I was stiff there it is not like I can move and walk away. I had the dream team to thank for that. Wait the dream team. they said they loved me. How could they love me? They don't even know me... Wait Abe said I was like a siren, and they are the crew. But it makes zero sense. I need to ask more questions next time. But he always cuts me off telling me no more. But I must have the full explanation... He cannot keep hiding it anymore. But he said life gives a second chance to people who kill themselves... A second chance? That makes zero sense... I would never guess there could have been different dimensions. I will assume this is another world. Philza told me this was the smp. Maybe I should see Philza again. He was nice and he helped me figure out about the name of here. If he could do that maybe, he knows more? He was better help than Abe he didn't try to confuse me.

I sat there in thought. Until I get interrupted by Tommy. "Hey woman are you listening? "He said. I shake my head going back to reality. I say, "Sorry I was lost in thought" he looks at me and says, "It is alright woman but listen this time" He pets my head. I smile at him and he continues his great story. He gets interrupted by Wilbur. "Hey darling would you like some tea?" Wilbur said. I look at him and nod. Why did he call me darling? Tommy gives an annoyed look. Wilbur got up and left me, Tubbo, and Tommy alone. Tubbo scooted closer. And he smiled. I smiled back and we all started talking about random stuff. 

Wilbur came back after a short while. With three cups of tea. He handed me one and Tommy. But not Tubbo and Tubbo gave a glare. And I felt bad for him. I looked at him and handed my tea to him. "There has some tea," I say. He looked at me and shook his head no. But I already decided it was his. Wilbur huffed. And Tubbo smiled warmly. I smiled back. Tommy was drinking his tea. He slurped it down quickly. And then went back to hugging me. I wouldn't think a person with his personality would be so clingy. 

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