Some Lady

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"God damnit." Pierce muttered under his breath.
I look up from my book that I was reading to look out the backseat window. We seem to be on a highway, but the road is absolutely filled with unmoving cars and people. I let out a quiet sigh in annoyance.

"Just pull up behind this one, someone has to know what's going on." Dorothy ordered her husband behind another stopped car in his irritating, scratchy voice. It's time like this when I wish I had an actual phone so that I could just put in some earbuds and drown out the voice of the woman that I hate.

I've been with this couple for about a month, and everyday I think about going back, back to them.

It was only until a week ago whenever word got out that there are new cannibalistic killers roaming the streets. Some people say they're sick, others say their crazy, and some don't think they're people at all.

We had to leave Virginia to pick up Pierce's sister and her family, and then to Atlanta to some sort of "safe zone" or whatever they called it. I never payed attention, even if I'm started to regret that decision now.

As soon as the car stopped Dorothy threw the door open and stepped out, slamming it shut after her, making me flinch. Pierce calmly turned the car off and turned around to address me.

"Just stay close, ok?" He sounded exhausted. I always sort of felt bad for him. Dorothy is the exact definition of overbearing wife, and their relationship is the definition of toxic.

One day I got the displeasure of witnessing one of their fights whenever we were at a restaurant. I just played with my food the whole time, not really finding an appetite in my extremely uncomfortable situation.

"Are you kidding me Pierce? Why was that waitress talking to you like that?!" Dorothy began to whine about the service of the very nice waitress as soon as she walked away.

"Because she was taking my order?" He retorted, visibly tired of her extreme behavior.

"She was giving you those eyes! I know a home wrecker whenever I see one." She continued to over exaggerating the entire situation for another minute before the waitress came back.

She handed us our drinks, giving me and Pierce sympathetic smiles, probably because we are both very, very uncomfortable with Dorothy and her ridiculousness.

"Uh, excuse me ma'am, but I'll have you know that I am his wife, and I will not tolerate you flirting with him right now." Dorothy tried to sound stern, but she ended up sounding like a toddler throwing a tantrum because her toy got stolen.

I sat back in my chair, crossing my arms and picking at the calloused skin on my fingers. I took a deep breath, trying to control myself from yelling at her, and exhaled through my mouth with my eyes closed.

"I should've signed that prenup." Pierce muttered to himself.

Safe to say that was a long night.

I opened the car door and let my legs hang out, staring at my red, beat up converse. I could hear the sound of engines running and people talking, some yelling. I look to my right and see Pierce and Dorothy talking amongst themselves, very loudly. Some would say their arguing right now, but I know that that's just how they talk to each other.

I fidget with my fingers for a little longer before deciding to stretch my legs. I get out of the car, fixing the back of my shorts that were a little to short for my liking.

Whenever me and Dorothy went shopping, she always insisted on getting a size smaller than I actually was. She said that if I tried harder to lose weight then I would've fit perfectly, so she bought it, hoping it would "motivate me" or whatever the hell those weird parenting podcasts are telling her.

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