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When Martyn looked at Scott his heart dropped. He looked so sad and scared, as if he had just watched someone destroyed everything he'd ever known or had. Which is basically what had happened.

Scott had been taken from probably everything he knew just because some pirates wanted him. Even though Martyn didn't know Scott much or for very long, he was sure that if they asked nicely he would have talked to them about anything they asked.

He just seemed kind like that.

Now he was stuck in a tank of water looking at Martyn with pleading eyes. Looking at him for some hope, but also...betrayal.

Not once have they been able to talk, but it seems like they have known each other all their lives. It pains Martyn to see him like that. He never realized how small the tank actually was compared to an actual siren.

"He looks amazing, huh?" Wait, who was talking to him "uhhhh, earth to Martyn, hello? Are you there?"

"Oh!" It was the captain, "yeah yeah, when did you get him?"

"Oh just a few minutes ago, we were just doing a small bit of fishing when we caught him in our net,"

"I...I see..."

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something," Martyn only responded with a nod "Will you be the one to 'take care of' him?"

Martyn was utterly confused. He was ment to take care of the siren. Even so, Martyn very much agreed. This was a lot better then not being able to see him.


It's been a couple of days since Scott's capture. So far everything has been terrible. He only gets food twice a day. Every once and a while the person "taking care" of him gives him more food.

Speaking of his "care taker", Martyn was his name, was really nice. Not only was Martyn nice, he was good looking too. If Scott can remember correctly this Martyn guy was the same was the guy from the market. He also saw him once by the rocks.

Martyn seems like he wants to help. The only thing is, Scott doesn't think Martyn knows how to help. Currently there is no way off the ship without getting caught. Even if they do manage that Scott would most likely be found very easily.

Scott doesn't live that far away, plus the bad boys could very easily be found as well if Scott went back. There is no way he could get to Cleo's in time. If he does they will probably check there as well as everywhere else.

The only good thing is that Martyn is good looking and talkative, he is also fun to flirt with. He alway gets flustered easily and flirts back.

Because of Martyn the past couple of days have gone by pretty fast. The sad thing is today Martyn isn't here. Scott had a plan to try and get out of this small tank. With how Martyn is acting, Scott feels he would help him escape. Martyn is not here though. The captain is.

So far, very time the captain would ask him to do something, like a let's say a backflip, Scott would refuse. His plan was to get the captain to release him by being boring.

Not this, he was not expecting this at all.

When the captain walked in he had a gun in hand, not uncommon for pirates, then he put it on a barrel off the the side. He then took a chair and brought it out to the middle of the room, then left.

The next moments went by just so fast. The next thing he knew, after Martyn ran into the room, Scott was running to Cleo's house hoping he wasn't being fallowed.

When Scott knocked on the door it opened immediately. I'm side was Jimmy who was crying, Grian who was comforting Jimmy, Joel who was pacing back and forth, and Cleo's two kids Scar and Bdubs who are trying to be sneaky and see what's going on.

Yooooo! Then next chapter is out, this took WEAKS to make I had no motivation and school has started. Sorry this is short the next chapter will be Martyns POV of what happened in Scott's pov at the end this chapter I'm sorry the writing for this chapter kinda sucked the only reason I finished this was some asmr that was sea themed I was listening to, also did you see the reference I made with the captain there? The next chapter might be posted next month or in a couple of week but more likely next month.

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