A vist with the past, and sight of the future

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I woke up in the middle of the night with a sweat, and sat up in bed, wiping my eyes of tears. I looked around and realized it was still pretty late, so I decided to get off the ship and walk around.

While getting up I had to make sure to be quiet as not to wake the other crew members. I have to be especially careful around Leo. He is one of the oldest on the ship and hates being woken up. If I were to wake him up I would be doing nothing but cleaning.

I, thankfully, made it off with out waking anyone up. While walking to the town and off of the docs I see a lady. The lady looks to be around 60-70 years old. She is the only person I can see out this late so I decided to go and speak to her.

When I go over to her she looks at me like she's seen a ghost. "Ummm, are you alright?" I ask

She quickly stops looking so shocked before answering "Oh! Yes I am well, pat ou just look so much like my sister,"

"Ah, I see," I respond pausing before the next sentence "well, I am from here, I don't really know if that could explain it but,"

"You're crew on the ship the arrived the other day, yes?" She questioned

"Yes I am" I tell her. Instead of responding she just takes out a photo and hands it to me. I take the photo and look at here confused. Then i look at the photo, it's of my dad and mom. Before my mother was pregnant with me.

I look back up at her with a bit of a shocked face, without saying any other words I understood who she was. This was my aunt. She let me keep the photo and told me her name was Raspbinie (the ie is silent). We talk for about an hour before she had to leave.

After she left I just stared at the photo for a good while. By the time I looked up the sun was just starting to shine. I stood up and decided to go for a walk on the beach. I had sat down a while earlier with out realizing.


While on the walk I picked up shells and rocks. I always liked grabbing some every time we doc somewhere new. I have a box with different sections. Every time we go somewhere new, I get more things from the beaches, I put the in the box, and then label the section with the name of the town.

I bit into my walk and the sands turn into big stones. The stones are fun to walk on, but while walking I swear I saw someone. At first I brushed it off but then I saw a tail. Like a sirens tail.

I don't think that it saw me so I just stayed where I was. The creature came on land. That's when I knew that it was a siren. When it came on land it put a book down in the sand. It was just a leather books with what looks like a... lock... that's my book. The one my father made for me.

I can not lie about this but the siren looked beautiful. With cyan hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. Then I realized, the him, the boy from market. He was a siren, no, he couldn't be. Yes I've heard of sirens being able to walk on land and look human. But never to that degree. He had looked so much like a human.

From the stories I've been told, they usually have some aspects of their siren form. But he ha none. Siren can look many ways with many more natural skin and hair colors then humans. I though he had just dyed his hair. Thinking back his eyes seemed a bit more blue then a normal person.

By the time I stoped thinking about him he was gone. All that was left was my book.When I said hoped that it would be returned, I didn't mean like this. I wonder what the reason that he left it there was. Maybe had no use to for it, or maybe he thought that the owner might come along and find it. He sold stuff at the market.

He could have easily sold the book. Just take out the pages with writing, take off the lock as he wouldn't have a key. Maybe that's why he brought it he. He might have not been able to open it. I should really figure out his name. If he's at market tomorrow then I could ask. He might not be though. He sold almost everything.

The kids he was talking too, they looked like they were friends with him. Maybe I could find the kids and ask, but the would be weird. It could be that he is friends with their mom. If I find the kids I could find the their mom, and then I could ask for his name.

For now I should just get my book and head back to the ship. The sun is starting to come out a lot more. When I get back I can see if he had done anything to the book. Maybe wrote something in it, or take some pages out.

Another thing to think about is if I should tell the rest to crew about him when I get. I should probably make a decision about this soon as I'm almost back at the ship. If I do tell them I would get a lot of praise, but if I don't I could protect him. He seems to have a great life, super friendly, and overall a great person. Not to mention that he is so hot. If I could I would date him. There is no way I could though as he is a siren and I'm a human.

Not only am I human but also I'm technically out to get sirens like him. We would just never work. Plus I'm always moving so many places, as well as I could never love any one. I belong to the ship and the crew. A crew and ship I will take over one day, he would never be able to be with me. It would just never work out.

For now though I'm just going to go back to bed, and protect him as much as I can by withholding this information from the rest of my crew.

Hello, so I finished this on an airplane I just wanted to say that I may not be able to add more chapters as I think I'm grounded. So by the time I get off this plane I might not have my phone. I will try to write on my iPad but I don't know. Also sorry it's a cliffhanger.

Things can't become normal again, if they weren't different at all.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя