A Virgin No Longer

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Severus was first to wake, his hands found Harry's looking at the colour of his mood ring. Purple. Severus waited ten more minutes secretly enjoying the feel of Harry in his arms probably a bit more than he should be. 

This wasn't how this usually worked. Normally after the deed was done. He'll have one more drink in hand before apparating  from their humble dwelling into the night never to be seen again. Of course, now he was trapped in his own house with a gorgeous virgin. Harry who would of thought after all this time he would be here with him of all people. He smirked silently, remembering when Harry told him he was non existent and he said he could be non existent too. How Harry managed to stay a virgin this long he could not understand. Harry was sexy as hell there was no possible way he wasn't getting offers, left, right and centre. All Severus knew that he needed to get into the shower as quickly as possible, before he decided to wake Harry up and decide to take whatever he was offering. Harry had broken through his resolve, in record time sitting on top of him, his hard thighs clamping down on Severus as he - okay time to grab that shower. Gently untangling Harry's body from his. Once free he moved with swift short precision strides to the bathroom, if Harry woke up on route, he didn't know how he would stay away. Closing the door he leant against it, it would seem he was capable of being a decent human being. There was no way he would be the boy wonder's first time. Besides he knew Harry, he could plain as day guess what type of man Harry was, the type who treasured their virginity the type who believed prince charming was just around the corner waiting to sweep them of their feet. Walking to the shower he turned on the tap to as hot as he can handle. Getting in. He grabbed the soap then himself if he didn't take matters into his own hands - literally - Harry's virtue would be on more shaker grounds then it was currently. Clutching his cock, he started with the familiar strokes and rhythm he was accustomed too. A low hum warmed the blood coursing through his veins, as the scent of soap invaded his nose. Closing his eyes, visions filled his mind of Harry, on his front, legs spread waiting for him. He increased the speed of his hand as his heart sped up in his chest. Moving his  well defined legs further apart, he touched his balls, roughly. God how he would love to have Harry's own hand on them right now, playing with his sack then leaning down to lick it. There was little elese Severus wanted in the world right now then to have those lips of his wrapped around his cock. First he'd would lick him up and down along his shaft while staring up at Severus with blown pupils. Severus placed his hand on the tile in front of him leaning on it for support. Feeling drops off precum leaking out, he rubbed his palm over the head of his cock using it as lubrication. Suddenly his eyes popped open. Darting to Harry's shirt hanging in front of him. What Severus wouldn't give to see Harry in that shirt again dripping wet, while the material clung to his impressive frame. Showing zero respect to Harry's belonging Severus reached up snapping up the flimsy shirt. Bringing the soft material to his nose, he inhaled it deeply hoping Harry's scent still clung to it. Fortunately it did breathing in Harry's heady scent he pictured how Harry tasted as he writhed and moaned searching for relief. Before Harry came in his mouth. The hot water spraying on Severus back, his cock grew in his hand, as he rubbed Harry's shirt down his face, neck and chest. He could feel his heart beating at a crazy pace, the overwhelming desire to cum, rushing through him. At that instant Severus surrendered to the sensation shuddering his orgasm on to Harry's shirt. "Shit, Harry" Severus moaned he milked himself for a minute until he was done. Grabbing the shampoo he dutifully rinsed out his new favourite shirt to see Harry in, until it was clean then placed it on the side around the tub. After his shower he towled off glad to be feeling some kind of relief. Finally. That man caused him one hell of a case of blue balls. Slowly he opened the door having a look out to check whether Harry was still asleep. Harry was still in the exact same spot he had left him. Completely asleep striding to his drawer he pulled out a pair of boxers, and remembered how Harry had told him earlier he was going commando in his trousers. Severus was hard again. Tuting to himself he wondered over to the bed and stood there wondering if he should consider going to another room to head back to sleep. Severus found himself climbing back into the bed with Harry. He watched him sleep. The dip of his waist, his shapely hips only made Severus cock even harder. Reaching for a blanket, he manovered closer to him hoping he wouldn't wake him in the process. Harry sighed a small smile appeared on his face. What the man could be so happy about was lost on Severus. He settled back allowing himself to enjoy the feel of Harry right next to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2023 ⏰

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