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A blush broke out on Harry's face his legs desperately wanting to give out but he moved back instantly from Severus form. "umm" was all he could say.
"Have you lost your ability to talk since I've last seen you" Severus eyes Raked Harry from head to toe, spending a bit more time on Harry's lips then he should do. "No, but I'm Harry Potter the bane of your existence remember? Said Harry without thinking and not the least bit prepared to hear what Severus would  reply with."Can i tell you a secret Severus asked, lowering his voice a bit, pulling Harry closer to whisper in his ear, giving him waves of goosebumps,"you are James and Lily's son you use to resprent everything i had lost in this world and thanks to your father everything i dispied in this world also. I cannot and will not make excuses for my behaviour, but by the time i stopped viewing you that way," Severus sighed with weary emotion.
"We all played a role in the war Harry, unfortunately mine meant being trushted under a microscope, my every action being scrutinised i couldn't treat you any differently even if I wanted too." Harry was torn between feeling hot under the collar ever since he had heard the word trushted come out of Severus mouth and pure astonishment out of hearing that Severus did not hate him. The scent of oak and sandalwood drifted up to Harry's nose, the very scent Harry associated with Severus causing his dick to get hard. Usually the sort of guys Harry went after wore expensive aftershaves, clean citrus, sometimes exotic colognes. All with one thing in common tall, dark, lean and an air of authority about them very much like Severus Snape, for Harry to have the real man to talk too, spend time with and look at was a shock to Harry's System but not an unwelcome one. Harry chanced a glance at Severus who was now sitting directly facing him with in an open confident manner, to see Severus behaving in such away in his company did not help the current state of his cock.
"Do you have a date Severus?" Harry asked not giving the man any eye contact but seemingly blushing at the floor taking a deep breath it didn't help. Breathing Severus smell was both intoxicating and arousing to him. Harry looked to the ground then drifted his gaze up to look at Severus face. God Severus is hauntingly beautiful he thought with his clear pale skin complexion. Dark intense eyes, trim figure and a voice that can bring any hot blooded woman/man to their knees. " no i came for the company mostly." Severus smirked, a clear sign of humour in his eyes which did not go amiss with Harry. That cracked Harry up imaging Severus eager to socialise with the crowd around him, basking in people's attention, on second thoughts  Severus can do with some company, with the company of him.

Harry peered over to the dance floor as a song he liked came on and was memorised by the melody and the couples dancing. "if you would rather find someone to dance with, don't let me stop you" Said Severus who had being viewing Harry enjoying the display of dancing not only that but drawn to looking at the younger man's mouth again he really needed to stop that. Severus was under no illusions that Harry would want to dance with him, had he had wanted to dance
. A look of terror and pure shock came across Harry's face and Severus could not help smirking, "Erm, i guess i dont want to i erm best get back to my friend Ron" Harry voiced after feeling like Severus had rejected him, what if Harry did want to dance did that mean he would of had to find someone other then Severus to dance with as that's what it sounded like to Harry.
"He's in deep conversation with Miss Granger by the looks of it." Harry had cut him off by looking over to where his friend Ron was currently laughing a bit to loudly, he was with the people's whose table he had messed up. Severus was almost certain it had been Ron who had pushed Harry into his back now, which is why he found himself in this peculiar situation having to entertain potter of all people too bad he didn't seem to mind all that much. "Well Harry" Severus stated sliding of the bar stool standing up whilst locking eyes with Harry. "I suggest you do not go over there and cock block young Mr Weasley as much as i do not care about the relations of my ex students." Harry inhaled a deep sharp breath his cheeks darkened with which Severus could only describe as a most  inticising colour. "What" Harry asked clearly shocked at Severus language "if you go over there now," Severus said jerking his head towards Ron and Hermione "you will only ruin his chat with Miss Granger". Harry pursed his pink plummed lips together, which did something odd to Severus pulse this time. "I guess you are right"
"indeed I am" then Severus was meant  to go to the bar to order himself and Harry another drink, but instead he found himself with his hand around Harry's wrist walking himself slowly backwards towards the dance floor taking Harry with him. "Just one dance can't hurt."

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