Lots Of Men

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Hearing the water turn on in Severus bathroom caused another surge of lust to run straight to Severus cock. Was Harry taking a shower or a bath? Either way that gorgeous young man was now naked only yards away from him. All that seperated them was a locked door. Severus clenched his fists together at his sides resisting the temptation to clasp his wand, he forced his legs to leave, rather then torture himself. Severus located the book shelf on the opposite side of his house, at least now he could no longer hear the sound of running water he leant against the bookshelf briefly. since when did he dance with anyone? Or invited guests to his home willingly.. He had broken two rules of his now and it wasn't even 10 o clock yet. He needed to get a hold of himself if Severus wasn't careful Harry would get the wrong idea about what he wanted. Normally by this part of the evening he would of had the talk with a prospective one nighter. Whatever was holding him back from being honest with Harry needed to stop. Now. Pushing away from the bookshelf he sauntered to the kitchen to find them something to eat. Glancing over the coffee table he spotted several old Quibbler newspapers. He sighed scooping them up, shoving the bundle in the bin. Opening the fridge he spied what elese he had been craving other then Harry. Yanking out the ground beef he wondered over and snapped up a frying pan. He never attended to a pan of beef quite so intently before. Keeping tabs on the clock, he decided Harry must need assistance with something and that's why he wasn't out yet. Taking the beef back of the burner, he headed to the bathroom to see if he could help with something. Once at the door he knocked briskly "Potter?" tapping again he said "are you in need of anything?" Severus hoped Harry would open the door proclaiming his urgency for certain parts of Severus. "umm, a towel?"
"There is one it's on the top shelf, i suggest you use your ma.." Severus was interrupted by a sudden loud screech followed by a tell tale sign of a dull thud. "Once again your intelligence astounds me Mr Potter, are you injured? Can you open the door" Severus said clasping his wand just incase. "My ankle kind of hurts" Harry mumbled, damn Severus used his wand to open the door. Harry gulped as the bathroom door swung open. Severus found him on the floor, naked, struggling to cover himself with his hands. "Would you get me the towel please,?" Harry squeaked out shaking Severus out of the erotic show that was taking place on his bathroom floor. All was needed was a few strobe lights and - Shaking his head he took a deep breath. "Towel, right" Severus said unable to get Harry's long lean body of his mind, he turned around to tug the towel from the top shelf. "Speaking of towels" Severus uttered, throwing the large, fluffy, cloud like material to him. "You are a wizard are you not Mr Potter, instead of risking your neck why on earth did you not use your magic." Harry huffed "I thought i could manage without magic." A frown replaced his usual smile. Something made Severus want to take it back. His dirty mind couldn't help imaging Harry climbing up on to the bathroom counter naked, cock swaying as he -
"Hello?" Harry snarled disturbing the vivid porn scene that was was currently playing out in Severus head. "are you even listening to me?"
Not so much "i beg your pardon?" Severus asked closing his eyes to clear his head. "i asked you to close the door" Severus glanced behind him, and quickly turned back to Harry "What an unusual request, Mr Potter seening as nobody elese is here" "You are here" Harry supplied pointing his finger at Severus, as soon as he let go of the towel, it slipped, revealing his naked chest in all its glory. And if Severus could of taken his eyes of Harrys stunningly firm chest he would of. "Whoops" fumbling again with the towel his fingers unfortunately covered everything back up. "Can you stand up" Severus asked walking towards him. "Give me a minute" Harry said trying to wiggle back from Severus. Severus smirked at him as he bent down to take a look at the ankle Harry was not using to
push himself up. "This must be the one."He asked curiously picking up his foot."Yeah" Harry said his shoulders slumping forwards "does this hurt" Severus said manovering his ankle in a circle. "Not too much." Pressing Harrys toes as far back as he would let him a small "Ouch" came out of Harrys mouth. "Lets try to get you up, and see if you can put some weight on it, shall we, Mr Potter?" Severus asked a look of pure shock over took Harry's face as Severus stood beside him, sliding his hands to his waist. "Wait I -" Severus didn't wait. Instead he lifted Harry of the ground. "Oh right," Harry whispered, a blush forming on his cheeks whilst his arm reached down to adjust the towel around him. "Allow me, Mr Potter" Severus told Harry, assisting with one hand while still keeping a tight hold around Harry's body. Looking up at Severus with those dazzling green eyes Harry Whispered, "Thanks"
"It looks like a sprain i don't see any swelling, lets fix that shall we Mr Potter and i'll get you some ice for it." Severus fished out his wand doing a wand pattern in the air just then Harry felt Severus hands once again around his waist lifting him up. "What are you doing?" Harrys hands clamped onto Severus shoulder as he moved him back, the towel dropped down again just below Harrys waist this time. Just like before, Severus eyes roamed Harry's naked chest but much further down this time viewing Harry's cock that was currently saluting him at the moment.Severus felt an insanely fierce desire to take Harrys cock into his mouth and make him groan. Setting Harry's body on the bathroom counter, Severus stood before him for a moment while Harry covered himself. Planting his hands on either side of Harry he leaned in. "ive seen a man's body before Potter."
This was true. What Severus didn't say was how Harry's body made him yearn to rip that stupid towel of him and take him right here on the bathroom counter. "I guessed as much, thanks for the news flash," Harry stated pulling his arms closer to his body clearly annoyed with Severus. "Harry, I'm saying you do not need to feel embarrassed. I've seen it all before."
"Thanks, that's so comforting," Harry spat back, eyes squinting at Severus even mad Harry was breath taking.
"I don't mean your like -"
"ok Snape, i gotta ya, you've seen lots of men naked before. Congratulations"
"Yes, tons at least," Severus said dryly pushing of the counter. He didn't know why Harry's words stung. After all, he was just Harry. Why should he care if Harry thought he was some kind of man whore? He guess technically he was. But hearing it come out of Harrys mouth like that made him feel cheap. Severus mind wandered to what was underneath that towel and he had likely blown his chances at ever seeing it again. "I'm sorry i didn't  mean to act sarky, Harry grimaced "I'm feeling pretty stupid right now." "it's ok i told you I've seen lots of men before, maybe even tons." Harry gulped "I'm very happy for you."
"Harry, if our situation was reversed - I'm sure you've have seen naked men before."Harry's mouth opened a little bit and a blank expression crossed his face, Severus stomach twisted at his crassness. "I believe I should not have said that," Severus said trying to look anywhere but at Harry. Insinuating that Harry might of also seen many a naked man before in his life was not a good thing to do. A shy smile formed on Harry's lips "no its fine, really- why was your towel up so high" Harry asked slowly edging his way of the countertop. Leaning down, to now pick up the towel in question from the floor, Severus responded "nobody is here to use it other than me, and i can reach it just fine." Looking Severus up from head to toe, Harry replied "i think i can handle it from here, thanks for the help." A few seconds later he was ruffling his hand through his wet hair unwilling Severus decided to get back to the kitchen and finish cooking. Five minutes later, Harry emerged in one of Severus shirt and trousers. Severus had just talked his cock into behaving. Apparently all for nothing, luckily Severus was stood behind the kitchen counter so Harry could not view exactly what Severus thought of his outfit. Harry's hands twisted in front of him and he wobbled a bit on his feet. "Go sit down Harry, I'm bringing you some ice." And a rock hard cock that was back to throbbing again, this young man was really doing a number on Severus. He opened the freezer in search of something frozen to give to Harry, or possibly on his dick. "It's not bad really.
What are you making?" Harry asked, walking up to the stove. Severus dropped the bag off peas back in to the freezer. "Tacos, are you interested?" Severus said sideling up behind Harry. Goosebumps had even formed before Severus placed a soft kiss there on his neck. Sandlewood filled Harrys senses making him snake his arms around Severus, drawing his body further into his. "Mmhm" Harry groaned moving his head over even more to give Severus more access to his neck. Of course, Severus took advantage of the situation licking, and kissing down Harry's neck while his hands travelled south. Just as Severus hands almost reached their destination, Harry turned in his arms halting all progress. "Are you using a packet?" Severus mind raced to what packet he could be talking about. "For the Tacos, if you have the right spices i can make them better."
"Have at it" Severus said opening a drawer beside him, filled with spices he had never used before. "Are you sure?" Harry asked not normally so use to Severus being so trusting. "We, Shall see after this." The teasing smirk on Severus face was irresistible. Harry had to taste those lips again. Bending his head to meet his Harry took that delicious mouth with him. Severus kissed him back for a minute before speaking. "it's going to burn," he said spinning around in Harry’s arms, reaching for the spatula on the stove. Harry cut up some Lettuce and tomatoes and finally grated some cheese. Severus proclaimed the meat was officially done and slid it on to the kitchen counter along with the other fixings. Severus fixed them both a plate, and lead them to the couch to eat. "These are more then adequate Mr Potter." Harry shot Severus a great big smile knowing that was the best compliment Severus was going to give him in fact probably the only compliment Severus had given him. After they ate they shoved their plates onto the coffee table. Moving closer to Harry. His arm around him now, Severus made a move. "That was exceptional, but i bet your even more exceptional." closing his mouth on his he immediately plunged hos tongue into Harry's mouth. Harry let out a rough moan as he let Severus in, dueling with their tongues. Severus chest was warm against Harry's chest and he wanted to finally touch him. Severus balls ached as Harry ran his fingers down his back, While Severus moved a hand in search for Harry's cock, Severus couldn't help but groan in anticipation. Once on target Severus felt the weight of Harry in his hand and Harry gasped into his mouth. Severus ran his thumb over Harrys slit, Harry grasped Severus hair between his fingers, pulling it while the rest of Severus fingers joined his thumb. "Oh, wow" Harry whispered sinking his head into Severus neck "That's so good." Harry's responses to everything Severus did to him was the biggest turn on. Mouth on Severus neck, Severus started to squirm, truth be told so was Harry.

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