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The passage of time is inevitable.

You'll never escape it no matter how far you run. No matter how fast you run. 

No barricades can stop time from coming to get you because eventually it will catch up and somehow it will engulf you whether that be good or bad. 

Valentina Nanu Rodriguez's POV

Finally, it was Summer. School just let out and I was so excited to kick off the season with my favorite people. 

We had planned a trip down to Miami and we leave tomorrow. Ethan was spending the night at my house so that he could leave with me tomorrow morning. 

We got into my car he started driving us to my house I sat in the passenger seat singing along to the radio. I was very tired from packing late last night and then having to get up early to make it to school even though they let us out early. 

"Baby, what you wanna get for dinner?" Ethan asked and I looked over at him with a yawn just shrugging my shoulder.

The rest of the night was a blur because I was so fucking tired bro.

When we got to Miami we had to catch an Uber to the condo we were staying at for the week. It had 4 bedrooms and 4 and a half bathrooms. It cost a lot but I started making YouTube videos and that took off so I made a lot of money from it. 

We all went into our bedrooms, me and Ethan sharing obviously. It was a nice home and the first thing we were going to do was go swimming in the backyard. 

I put on a cute bathing suit and took a picture to post on my Insta story. 

When I got out to the patio area where the pool was Violet was tanning while the boys were in the pool smoking

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

When I got out to the patio area where the pool was Violet was tanning while the boys were in the pool smoking. 

I laid next to Vi with my AirPods in and started listening to some Taylor Swift while I tanned too until I felt a weight on my back and I felt water dripping on me. 

"Ethan Reyes I swear to god!" I yelled trying to turn over but he was holding me down and was kissing all over my neck. 

"Don't kill me please!" He said in between kisses making me laugh. 

When he finally let me turn over he laid on my chest as I played with his hair. He was being really touchy like his hands were all over my body. I've realized he gets like that when he's high like super touchy. 

"Baby you're like so sexy," He said in a low voice kissing my stomach. 

"Bro I wanna play mermaids!" Violet groaned and within a moment's notice, we jumped into the pool and started playing like we were five again in her backyard. 

We splashed and laughed until the sun began to set in the distance and we all went inside to get changed for the night and I had made tacos for dinner. 

We ended up playing Just Dance on the TV until we were too tired to even stand then we all went to our rooms and went to bed.

We had to get up type early because Dotty was filming some music video and he wanted us all to be in it and obviously, I couldn't say no. 

It was some song called 3 Am in the YAMS and he wouldn't even let us listen to it til it was officially out so I was basically dancing to random shit while everybody hyped me up.

It was lowkey fun and when we had finished the shoot we all walked around going into different shops that they had in the city while Luh Tyler showed us around. 

I could tell he was type-pressed I was with Ethan because every time he looked over at me and Ethan was holding my hand or touching me in any way he'd roll his eyes and scuff as if he could do any better. 

The city was busy ut not as busy as Time Square or NYC during any time of the day or year. It was loud though and a bunch of people were coming from a Dolphins game so they had on jerseys and face paint. 

Our whole group made fun of people we saw as a little game we played. 

"Bro girl over there right," I pointed to a lady sleeping on the bus stop bench. "Just got a fuckin' train ran on her and now she's on her way to work a 9-5 in the bank."

Everybody laughed and people stared at us like we were absolutely crazy but we paid them no mind until I ran into an old friend from L.A.

"Val you look so much different!" He tried to hug me but I just backed up.

It was my ex-boyfriend who I dated in 8th grade and he literally thought he owned me. He still tried to get at me when he would see me or comment on my posts. He knew I had a boyfriend and said boyfriend was standing right next to me yet he couldn't take the hint to back off. 

"It's been years Derek," I rushed the hair from my face with a sarcastic undertone in my voice. "So yeah I look different from when we were like 13."

Everybody was standing around us and I could feel Ethan's blood boiling. 

"I stopped by your house a while back but when Frank answered the door instead of you I thought he finally finished you off," His words stung like a bee and cut through my vocal cords. I couldn't come up with anything to see. 

"Who the fuck you think you are talking to my girl like that?" Ethan wrapped his arms around me as I began to cry into his chest. I broke my resolution. 

I was here crying over something that I swore up and down I was over. He knew Frank would beat me til I passed out and he just felt comfortable enough to say that.

I couldn't take it anymore so I walked away and just kept walking down the street til I found a bench to sit on and I just bawled my eyes out. 

Everyone eventually found me and they sat next to me while Ethan engulfed my body into his arms and kissed my head repeatedly telling me it'd all be okay.

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