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Describe pain.

Does pain touch on all the senses or just one?

Why do people get addicted to pain and others run and hide from what causes them pain?

The answer will forever remain unknown.

Valentina Nanu Rodriguez's POV

I sat in one of the chairs next to his bed side and just placed my hands in my lap looking at him.

"Hi Val," He tried to smiled but he was too weak to do so. "Hello Victor" He tried smiling at Vonny as well.

"I'm not here for pleasantries." I said quick with a sigh. "Frank I was called so I could get your shit in order and thats what I'm gonna do so that I can go back home."

I leaned back in my chair and Frank was almost appauled at my words.

"Can you atleast hear me out?" He ask me and I scrunched my face before letting out a defeating sigh followed by a nod.

"I never wanted to hurt you Valentina. I truely loved your mother in her time and I wanted to be there for you guys but Everything bad that happened in my past always snuck up on my and I'd drink and drink until I felt as if I wasn't in my own body." I adjusted myself slightly in my chair trying to believe a word he said. "I did to you what my father did to me Val. I'm so sorry for that. I made you feel as if you had to run away."

I started to cry thinking about the night I left. I don't know what he did after that and I don't care.

"My mother begged you to quit drinking, you refused." I sniffed trying to hold my tears back.

"Victoria was a-" He began to talk but I cut him off.

"Don't ever talk about what my mother was," I pointed my finger in his face like he did to me many times before. "Now I said I wasn't hear for pleasentries. So stop trying to sell me a sob story and lets get to it."

He and Victor started going over things like a will and they didn't get too far before the nurse came in and said that it was time for us to go because visiting hours were over.

I didn't say bye I just walked out the room and down the hall to the elevator.

"Stop acting like that Nanu" My brother told  me and I just rolled my eyes pressing the button again.

"Easy for you to say Victor," I turned to him "You never visted us, you didn't get hit. You didn't have to watch mom apply makeup over bruises in the morning so that people wouldn't call the cops on that disgrace of a person.''

I wanted to cry thinking about how much he hurt my mother but at the same time he didn't get to make me cry any longer.

Before my brother could respond the elevator opened and I stepped in still upset.

Until I got to my hotel room I was silent. I walked into the room to find Ethan watching a movie and eating twizlers.

"Hey baby, how'd it go." He paused the movie and walked over to me giving me a hug and kiss.

"Horrible as expected" I sighed into his chest as I hugged him, "I wish he'd just die already."

Ethan looked at me with a concerned face and I sighed again. "He's caused me so much pain, I want him gone."

I just went to the bed and laid on it with a sigh.

"Lets go swimming!" Ethan suggested.

"Baby its the middle of Novemeber." I took my hair out of the claw clip.

"And it's like 80 here in Los Angeles." He said laying on my legs.

I sighed and looked out the window. I saw no pool so it must be indoors.

"Fine. But afterwards I'm taking a nap." I got up grabbing the suitcase to see if I had a bathing suit.

After some digging I found a white bathing suit and I went in the bathroom to change out of my clothes.

"Why do you always go into the bathroom to change, like I haven't seen you half naked." Ethan said through the door and I laughed.

I opened the door and fixed myself in the mirror before Ethan came and kissed my cheek.

"Cmon, I wanna show you my cannon ball!" Ethan grabbed my hand pulling me out the door and down the hall.

I held my towel in my hand instead of wrapping it around myself and while we were in the elevator a guy walked on and Ethan wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Nigga starin mad hard." He whisperes in my ear and I giggled slapping his arm.

When We finally got into the pool I just laid on the side looking at the view because I really wasn't in the mood for swimming.

Only thing that occupied my mind was thoughts of what was to come of tomorrow.

When we arrived at the hospital Frank was doing worse than the day before so Vonny forced me to be nice to him.

"So what do you wanna do with the house after you pass?" Vonny asked and I just looked at the floor.

I didn't know why I had to be here because I didn't speak. I didn't know what they were talking about.

"That home with be transfered to Valentina and she can do whatever she wants with it" I looked up when he said that and gave him a small smile as if to say 'thanks' before they continued to talk about more boring stuff.

It was so lousy that I went on my phone and didn't even noticed Vonny stepped out.

"Valentina, I have something very important to tell you," Frank turned to me and I turned my phone off. "Your mother left something for you. It's in the attic okay, behind the box of old dresses in a big chest."

"What the hell is it?" I asked adjusting myself in my seat but before I could Vonny bust in the door.

"Asia is going into labor, Ethan just called. They're bringing her here cmon we gotta go!" He yanked me out the room and we ran to the maturnity ward where Asia was being pulled in with Ethan running behind her.

Vonny went with her and the doctors while I went to Ethan hugging him with a sweet kiss.

"Thank you for getting her here." I smiled at him before we sat down in the waiting room and began the longest wait of my entire life.

We waited a total of 5 hours. We had just talked the entire time. I don't know how we managed to talk for five hours and when Vonny came out I jumped up.

"It's a boy!" He smiled at us and I jumped up and down. "Cmon Hoppy let's meet your nephew." He led us to the room where Asia was holding a fragile little baby.

"Oh god he's precious." I whispered hugging her and getting a better look at him.

"You ready to hear his name?" She smiled eagarly at me and I just nodded not wanting to disturb the quiet creature. "Dayvon Valentino Rodriguez."

She smiled at me as I looked at the baby in awe. This is the same baby that has been hiding in her stomach since I first met her and now he was out for the world to see.

The joyus occasion was soon interupted though by a doctor walking in.

"Is this the family of Franklin Reynolds?" He asked and we all nodded. "He has passed away, I'm sorry for your loss but you may collect his things from the front desk."

Before anyone could speak a word the doctor left just as fast as he appeared and Asia looked between me and my brother to see if either of us were crying but when she saw we weren't we all just moved on.

I couldn't help but wonder,

What the fuck did my mom leave for me?

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