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Valentina loved Halloween. Even while in Frank's grasp.

She got to dress up and be someone she wasn't. Nobody could see her pain because that day she wasn't Valentina, she was who evee the hell she decided.

This year, just like seven before it, her mami wasn't here to celebrate with her but unlike those other years she had friends and an amazing boyfriend to celebrate with.

Valentina Nanu Rodriguez's POV

We have been setting up for the last 3 hours. Baking different stuff setting out cups and all that.

When we were finally done we all posted about the party on our Ig stories and went to get ready.

Violet ended up being like a sexy version of Jessie from toy story. Dd and Ddot were Creg and Smokey from Friday and me and Ethan were Lola and Bugs Bunny from Space Jam.

I didn't wear much make up besides concealer, mascara and some blush along with my lip gloss.

I washed my hair so it was curly and I just put it in a ponytail before placing my bunny ears on my head.

"You look so pretty Ma." Ethan said walking up behind me in the mirror.

"You look cute too baby" I turned around and smiled at him before he pecked my lips which quickly turned into a makeout session.

His hands traveled my body and mines ended up in my hair. His tounge ended up on my mouth and it felt as if we were dead to the entire world until I heard someone clear their throat.

Ethan and I both turned see Dotty standing in the door. We were both cheesing mad hard and his jawn was practically on the floor.

"Save that for when I'm not in the same house as yall hornball," Datty finally said making us laugh. "Anyways people here so cmon dicks."

We all left my room closing the door and I wiped the lipgloss off of Ethan's mouth and fixed mines up before we went seperate ways and started just doing whatever.

Once more people arrived at the party everything really started to kick off.

There were people getting high, people getting drunk, people dancing and everyone in between so at one point I grabbed Violet and we started twerking and shit but everytime a nigga went to grind on me I stopped and walked away.

After a while I grabbed a brownie and while I was eating it I just people watched until some dude came up to me and I'm not a rude person so I gave a smile and went back to my food.

"Yo Ma how you doin'?" He said with a smirk and he tried to grab my waist but I backed up and mean mugged him.

"First of all ian cha 'ma' so don't call me that and second dont fucking touch me. Learn to greet somebody properly dickhead." I walked away and sat on the couch next to Violet.

We kept talking until the same dude came up to me again.

"Ian mean to be rude over there lemme give you a proper greeting." He stuck his hand out for me to shake and I did but I still kept my distance. "I'm Kay" He said and I looked at him funny because I swear he looked type familar but I don't know where from.

"I'm Valentina." I smiled at him before returning to my conversation and he sat next to me.

I didn't think anything of it until he started trying to rub on me and shit.

"Bro stop, I gotta nigga" I got up and walked to grab a drink which was just a shot because I planned on being sober enough to take care of everyone.

I sighed and returned to the couch but I sat on the opposite side of Violet and I leaned into her shoulder.

Everyone was talking and laughing but I got a text from Dotty saying he needed his hat he left in my room so I excused myself before going up there and looking around.

I heard the door open and close behind me but I just assumed it was Ddot so I didn't turn around. "Dotty I can't find ya hat lil bruh" I turned around to see Kay. "You're not supposed to be up here."

I tried to push him out but he pushed me back and closed the door lockign it behind him.

"Stop playing hard to get mama," he walked up to me and tried placing his hands on my waist again but I ducked under his arms.

"I'm not playing hard to get bro," I turned and looked him up and down. "I don't fucking want you, I have a nigga."

I tried leaving but he pushed the door closed and looked me up and down. Beofre I knew it he threw me on the bed and started trying to kiss me and shit.

I kept fighting him off and before he had the chance to do any serious damage Ethan ran in.

"Nigga thats ma girl you all up on." He pulled Kay off of me and I let out the breath I was holding.

"Valentina you wit' this bitch made ass lil boy?" Kay laughed and I didn't know how they knew eachother.

"Nigga don't talk to her, just get the fuck out." Ethan was getting angry. I never seen him angry before, he was always so sweet and smiley.

"Who you talkin' to lil nigga" Kay pushed him and I slowly climbed to my nightstand, grabbing the gun from the drawer.

I always had dreams of Frank coming to get me when I first arrived so Vonny gave me a pistol to keep in my drawer just as a peace of mind.

"I'll boom ya ass! Shoulda stayed on ya block!" Ethan pulled a gun from the waistband of his shorts and held it at Kay.

He was no longer Ethan in that moment. Ethan was sweet and caring. He made me feel better when I was sad. He kissed me slowly just because he thought I blinked differently and he wanted me to feel better.

The boy standing infront of me was Notti. I hated calling him that because thats not who he was. He wasn't a violent person or a nigga with anger in his heart.

I didn't realize Kay pulled a gun on him too and I pulled mines out as well pointing it in Kay's direction.

I closed my teary eyes and balcked out but last thing I remeber hearing was three gunshots.


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