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People say 'Curiosity killed the cat'. Well I find that bullshit. Plus it's a known fact cats have nine lives.

Being curious is the mind's natural reaction to anything and in this exact moment Valentina was the most curious person in the fucking world.

How could she not be. I mean she was getting ready to learn about what her mom left her then she was dragged away and now the only person in the world who knows about it is her dead step father.

She was in for a fucking treat.

Valentina Nanu Rodriguez's POV

"Val you and Ethan go back to the hotel," Vonny woke us up from the chair we were in. "You can come back and visit tomorrow."

I nodded and stood up streetching. It was maybe 8 pm and everything was settling down so I gave Asia, Vonny and my little Valentino a kiss before we left.

"I'm ready for bed." Ethan stretched wraping his arms around my shoulders making me drag him to the elevator.

"Good because tomorrow we're going to my old house." I pressed the button for the lobby and Ethan looked at me like I had ten eyes.

"Bitch you have got to be joking." He knew it'd catch me off guard calling me out my name.

"Nigga watch ya mouth callin' me out ma name before I boom ya ass" I mean mugged him and he just laughed and kissed my neck.

"Ight Ma I'm sorry I shoulda put some respect on ya shi'." He kissed my cheek then laid on my shoulder.

Nothing could stop me from smiling in this moment because I got blessed with the most beautiful, sweet boy in the world.

We stayed like that for the next couple seconds until the elevator doors opened and we walked, hand in hand, to the front desk.

"Hi I'm here to pick up the valuables of a deceased patient." I said blankly and the dude behind the desk looked at me like I was slow because I wasn't upset.

"Name of patient?" He started clicking at his keyboard.

"Frank Reynolds." I tried giving a warm smile but he was basically so lost in the conputar that I was smiling at the wall.

After a minute he stood up and walked away, coming back with a clear bag full of Frank's belongings.

The clothes he arrived in, his phone, wallet, keys. Some other junk lying around in the bag but I couldn't make out what it was.

"Goodnight." I smiled taking the bag before Ethan and I walked out of the hospital and calling a Uber.

"It's cold as shit out this motha fucka." I started rubbing my arms and Ethan took his jack off of himself and placed it over my shoulder.

"But baby you'll be cold." I tried giving it back to him but he stopped me.

"You can keep me warm," He smiled before placing me infront of him and wrapping his arms around me. "And this gives me an excuse to touch you."

This moment was frozen in time. I snap shotted it in my brain. Taking notes of how everything was.

I was never happier. This boy made me the happiest I've ever been but the standard wasn't that high so.

"Love, the Uber is here." Ethan pulled me out of my thoughts and to the car opening the door for me.

The car had the smell of old cigarettes, a smell I've labeled as scary since meeting Frank because after a beer or six he'd take out a cigarette and begin to puff away or smoke as he drank.

I tensed up and when Ethan noticed he placed a comforting hand on my thigh. Making me lean into him.

I stayed as close as possible during the whole car ride because it felt safe. He felt safe.

I hadn't felt that since mom died. Vonny didn't even feel safe because he was never there. He never got hit or yelled at.

My thoughts faded as we pulled into the hotel parking lot and stepped out of the car thanking the driver before he pulled off.

The elevator ride up to the room was quiet. Everything was just quiet

"Ma you alright?" Ethan asked. I must have been loosing my balance because he picked me up and carried me the rest of the way to the room and placing me onto the bed.

"I'm exghausted." I yawned and within a moments notice I was in a deep sleep.

I was awoken the next morning by the sun peaking in through the window. It was warm and comforting.

As I got out of the bed I realized that my clothes were changed from last night. I assumed Ethan changed them and when he popped into my mind I couldn't help but turn around and look at him peacefully sleeping.

I smiled to myself and laid on his chest which immediatly made him wrap his arms around me. This was where I felt happiest. In his arms.

I just felt like this was a dream and suddenly every love song I could think of was about my boy.

My sweet sweet boy.

Sometimes I couldn't find it possible that he was mines. How'd god choose me? Why did he choose me to go with this kid?

Nothing made me happier than being in his arms and watching his soft expression as he dreamed whatever he dreamed.

"Baby why you watchin' me sleep?" He asked in his raspy voice messing with my hair.

"I just thought you looked so cute while you slept." I smiled at him holding him closer.

"Well I'm up now so what are we doing today?" He kissed my head and just massaged my back as he played with my hair.

"Well after breakfast we're gonna go to the old house and figure out what my mom left then we're gonna go visit Asia, Vonny and the baby." I was starting to drift off myself when Ethan started to get up.

"No time to waste." He said and I sat up, facing him on his lap.

His soft brown eyes melted my heart and everything about him just made me feel as if I was floating on air.

"Stop staring at me." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Stop being so cute then." I laughed and after a couple of minutes we got up and started getting dressed.

I put on a tight fiting brown top and my grey sweats with white socks and my brown yeezys.

Ethan basically copied me but with black shoes and shirt.

I held the keys tight in my hand all the way to the home and when we arrived it was like those cartoons where fog and smoke filled the arm around the house making it seem scarier.

I knew I was the only one who saw it though so as we thanked the uber I took a deep breath.

Frank's car sat in the drive way and it was in better shape than you'd think.

"You ready love?" Ethan asked and I nodded, putting the key into the door and turning it.

Unlocking a chapter of my life I thought was over forever.

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