9 : Tumhare Alawa koi ni hai

Start from the beginning

"Haya... Haya... Haya I hate her", she thought and shirked when Murtasim held her hands and placed them on her lap. She looked into his eyes and saw care and affection for her. She can't ignore that his beautiful eyes scream love for her and demands it as well but she always refuses because she is not sure of her feelings. She can't name them but she knows that she can't hurt him at any cost

"I am clearing it again. I don't have anything to do with Haya. I asked Maa Begum to search for her alliance and also her mobile phone was snatched away from her. She was restricted to move out and she is doing every household there. That was her punishment and I don't have any idea why she called me when I clearly rejected her. I called Ma begum and she called me back there instead for important work which is not related to Haya. I have asked already. So tomorrow I will go back for some time. I will try to come back soon", Murtasim said and tucked her hair stand behind her ear softly. When Meerab looked into his eyes, he felt sudden attraction towards her and felt desires awaking in his heart. His heart always desires to love her and keep her happy but the only thing stopping him was the consent.

Meerab smiled and her hair flew due to the air because of fan made her look more attractive. He slowly moved closer lost in her beautiful eyes which called him near him and confessing that she too love him. The proximity suddenly felt too hard for him to control and the more he tried to stop himself, the more his body moved forward. He felt her eyes seducing him to come close and the way Meerab closed her eyes with a wide smile felt like she permitted him. Feeling himself lost in desires he moved forward and kissed her forehead softly to assure her while holding her hands in his. He let his lips linger on her forehead for some time and felt her presence near him with her bare forehead. He closed his eyes feeling bliss as he love the way her body responds to him. He pressed thier hands tight as he still feel this was a dream because Meerab was always reluctant to live with him but now he is the reason she is living with her family. How can their situation change too early?

Meerab closed her eyes feeling his cold lips on her forehead and blushed thinking about that kiss which was normal but it looked too intimate to her as he is the first one to kiss her and touch her as he do every time. When Murtasim pulled back, she felt warmth missing and looked at him after opening her eyes in hurt as she was feeling so blessed and wanted him to stay with her like this

"Khuda ki kasam khata hu tumare alawa koi bhi nahi hai jindagi mai
I swear on God that I don't have anyone else in my life rather than you ", Murtasim said softly caressing her soft hair with his hand comforting her and assuring her with love. He has heard that women go through many mood swings during pregnancy and he is ready to go through that. Even if she fights with him, he is ready to be the first one to solve their matter. He loves her enough to forgive her for her mistakes and bear her anger. He noticed her eyes twinkling and a smile appeared over her face. He smiled back in satisfaction as his work is done. He noticed her red cheeks and felt proud to make a stubborn girl blush. He thought Meerab will never show these emotions but now he realized that she just tries to show herself unaffected but she also loves him the way he does and she also wants him in her life as she does. The difference between them is that he is expressive and she is not.

"I can't see you with Haya. I can't share you.", Meerab said looking into his eyes. She don't know how she got the courage to say it but she needed to let him know how her heart boils on seeing him with Haya. He is her husband and only she has the right to him, not anyone else

"You don't have to do that. I'm all yours Call me your husband and show your rights on me.", Murtasim said with a smirk playing with her hair and tracing his index finger from her forehead to her chin Meerab looked away understanding his double meaning. She wondered how can a person change too fast. How his emotions changed suddenly and now he is demanding her to show his love. She considers him her husband but she will not tell now otherwise he will definitely

"Is going important? ", Meerab asked not looking at him as she knows he will start teasing her if they had an eye contact

"Yes, as I need to ask the problem. I have one solution. Can I tell ma begum about you? Then we can live in haveli", Murtasim asked to which Meerab denied

"No. Don't ask this question again", Meerab stated sternly ending the discussion there itself as she can't take a risk whereas Murtasim was thinking of another excuse because till Meerab doesn't agrees he has to lie to his mother which is the most difficult task for him as he hardly lies and feel bad for hiding biggest truth of his life from his mother

But the main problem is Meerab as he knows she will never agree and understand his point of view. He doesn't have any problem with her staying with her parents but the problem is with his mother who is equally tense for Meerab. Her tension might be for their self-respect and the family's reputation but when his mother asks about Meerab, he feels a pang of guilt in his heart. He loves his mother and he knows he needs to bear the consequences once his mother gets to know about Meerab. Ma Begum will not say anything to Meerab but she will be hurt by him for hiding this truth from her and playing with her feelings.

Murtasim got up and walked towards her cupboard to give her a dress to change but when he opened it he found the cupboard empty which confused him as he knows Meerab didn't bring every dress of her here as her attire was totally different in Hyderabad as compared to Karachi. Then how?

"My belongings are in a store room. Do you still want me to stay here?", Meerab replied to his unasked question and asked another question as she doesn't want to stay here and hurt herself recalling old memories which are full of lies and emotions which are mixed with betrayal and poison

"At least someone will care for you here. Keep your anger aside and see the reality. They love you and it was difficult for them too. They made you what you are today. If you dreamt of being a lawyer then it is just because of them", Murtasim said thinking about the helplessness which Wakas and Aneela faced and he know they love her more than Anwar.

"I'm not a lawyer because of them only", Meerab said

"No, you should blame me for it instead. First I married you and forced you to take an interest in village people and then made you pregnant ", Murtasim said and looked down in guilt

"After meeting you I'm in falling in love with pregnancy. I want to enjoy this phase with you. Come back soon", Meerab said

"Sure day after tomorrow I will. I love you ", Murtasim said caressing her cheeks lovingly

"But you said you will not touch me. What happened now?", Meerab asked, she asked this question to tease him but Murtasim took this question as Meerab's denial of any physical touch.

"Sorry... I... was just trying to assure you. I swear I don't touch anyone like I do to you. I thought you are comfortable and don't know how I lost my control and kissed your forehead ", Murtasim said looking down in guilt. Meerab closed her eyes tight realizing her mistake and held his hand and from the other hand, she forced him to look at her. No misunderstanding can destroy thier relationship now because she understood one thing that to keep this relationship they need to clear thier misunderstanding and work on understanding.

"No, it's fine. I feel comfortable and safe with my husband. That husband who saved me from every hurdle. You are my protector and you have to protect me for your whole life", Meerab said with a smile.

"I will bring a ring for you and I will tell you how much you mean to me, Murtasim Khan. You are the best person I ever met. But before that you deserve to know where I was", Meerab thought when she noticed Murtasim lost in his thoughts. She thought of making him wear a ring as his hand is empty and they were never engaged. At least he gave her a ring which she opened but he also deserves the same and many other sweet gestures because he is the best.

So finally their problem is solved and Meerab accepted him as her husband. How Murtasim would react?

Also now she wants to get engaged with him too. Isn't that love?

Meerab is going to tell him where she lived. But how he will react?

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