018. All Too Well

Start from the beginning

"No!" Kronos bellows. "NO!"

"NOW, MY BRETHREN!" Poseidon's voice echoes across the throne room, like he's right there with them, despite being across the city. "STRIKE FOR OLYMPUS!"

His army bursts from the river, on sharks, dragons, sea horses. A legion of Cyclopes - led by... 

"Tyson!" Percy yells.

Lila stares open-mouthed at her friend. It's been a year since she saw him, and now he's grown to thirty feet tall (she hopes that's not permanent). He's wearing full battle armour, and it fits him perfectly, while before all Lila could imagine from him was a huge, cuddly, teddy bear. Behind him is Briares. 

The Cyclopes hold long, thick, black chains - with grappling hooks. They swing them, beginning to trap Typhon, tying his legs and arms, the tide swirling around him to stop him from breaking free. He shakes and pulls at them, but there are so many chains, and so many Cyclopes, that their weight begins to pull him down. Poseidon throws his trident, and it impales the monster in the throat, golden ichor squirting everywhere.

The other gods return to their attack. Ares stabs Typhon in the nose. Artemis pierces his eyes with silver arrows, while Apollo sets his loincloth on fire. Athena flies in with her spear, cutting into his other eye. Zeus continues his lightning attacks, relentless and merciless. The water begins to rise, wrapping Typhon, until he begins to sink. He yells and thrashes out, water soaking building around the Bridge, but it does nothing. Poseidon raises his trident, opening a tunnel at the bottom of the river - Lila looks into that pit, and sees only death. It goes straight to Tartarus. The giant sinks, and sinks a little more, until he's gone. 

"BAH!" Kronos screams. He slashes through the smoke, the image dissipating. 

Lila can't help her relieved laugh. That's one problem sorted, one that's haunted her nightmares for weeks - maybe even months. It feels like a weight is taken off her chest. 

"They're on their way," Percy says. "You've lost."

The other source of her nightmares hisses in fury. "I haven't even started."

With inhuman speed, he advances. Grover tries to step in front of Percy, but Kronos just tosses him aside like a doll. Lila raises Ethan's knife and lunges at Kronos's back, but the Titan whirls around with a snarl, knocking the blade out of her hands. "Stupid girl," he snaps. "I told you to stay out of the way." 

Percy tries to get his attention, but he's frozen in place by the time-slowing trick. Unarmed, Lila steps backwards uneasily. 

"Just because you're blessed by my mother, you think I won't kill you?" he laughs, raising his blade. Lila presses her foot into the ground, and another fissure opens up between them, stopping him from reaching her. Frustration colours his features for a second, before he shrugs, freezing her in time, before turning to Percy. 

Percy raises Riptide just in time to defend himself against Kronos. He sidesteps the blade, jabbing under his guard. Kronos is faster, countering and disarming Percy with a flick of his wrist, Riptide falling into the fissure Lila just created. 

"STOP!" Annabeth screams. Lila didn't even notice her getting to her feet. 

Kronos whirls to face her, slashing with Backbiter. Somehow, Annabeth catches the strike with the hilt of her dagger - an incredibly hard move, requiring a ridiculous amount of strength. Lila's really not sure how she does it. She steps closer until they're face to face, blades crossed. 

"Luke," she grits her teeth, "I understand now. You have to trust me."

Kronos roars. "Luke Castellan is dead! His body will burn away as I assume my true form."

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