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A Few Weeks Later…


“Akshara, what are you doing?” Abhimanyu chuckled, watching her mix the dough for the bread she wanted to make for him. They were at his apartment that evening, and Akshara was hell-bent on wanting to bake a special bread.

“Mixing.” She rolled her eyes.

“Will you please let me help?” He let out a laugh.

She glared at him. “No. I told you I’ll make you something special when I get to tour Birla Mansion.”

“Yes, you did.” He hugged her from behind as she battled the dough on the kitchen counter, his fingers tangling in hers in the soft dough.

“Let me help, please.”

“I’m so happy the house is ready. When are you going to—” Her voice was lost when she heard his phone ringing in his pocket.

“It’s okay. They’ll call back if it is important.” He kissed her cheek from behind.

“You are distracting me from my goal right now,” she chastised, making him laugh.

“I’m trying to help so—” His voice was lost when he felt his phone ring again in his pocket. As if he didn’t want to let her go, he issued a command to the speaker system that was housed on the kitchen counter to transfer the call so he can talk on speaker without letting her hands go.

“This is Abhimanyu Birla.”

Akshara noticed how authoritative his voice was when he answered the call.

“Abhimanyu, where are you?” A male voice came through the speaker.

“Hi, Chachu. I didn’t realize it was you. I had my phone in my pocket.”

He chuckled, and Akshara recognized the name to be his uncle, his dad’s younger brother. She found it endearing that he called his uncle by his name. They seemed to have a pretty cool relationship.

“I need to talk to you.” The man’s voice was gruff, and Akshara tried to exit to give him privacy, but he held her caged in his arms.

“About?” he asked his uncle while gesturing Akshara to stay put.

“Why did you purchase Birla Mansion?”

Akshara felt Abhimanyu stiffen behind her, but he let out a laugh.

“Someone has been spying on me.”

“What are you trying to do?” His uncle sounded agitated.

“Chachu, I’m not trying to do anything. It’s a way for us to regain our roots.” Abhimanyu maintained a calm tone.

“No. We do not have any connections with that city. Not anymore.

Not after what happened.”

“What happened? When I asked you a few months back, you said

Dad moved for a better business prospect and no other reason,” Abhimanyu retorted.

His uncle let out a sigh.

“I can’t tell you everything on the phone but get rid of the house, and you should move back, too.”

“Uncle, I know Dad wants to move here once he retires, and I know how much he wants the house.”

“He does not.” His uncle sounded adamant.

“Uncle, I know how many times he tried to purchase it.”

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